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eveyone!! is this signs that we're over?! please reply!!


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hi everyone,

i know i've posted before... not many replies but i'd really like your opinons.... i can't go on fighting on the phone w/my gf everynight.


- Before when i talked to my gf she and i got in a small argument, i wanted her to come over for once as i've been going out about 1hr drive to see her every time she wants to see me and that's been going on for 3-4 months now.


- her friend was buggin her about us getting married and she told me on the phone that she said to her friend,

'like i'd marry him, what self respecting person would want a name like wiggly (real named changed for some confidentiality). But it was very offensive to me because well, my mother got married to the man w/the last name , so wat's she saying about my mum and my sister and i? and who would actually say that. Like i don't say, what self respecting chinese guy would date a caucasion girl? that's just rude, and inconsiderate.


- she expects me to buy her family gifts on their birthday, that wouldn't be so bad, but i'm a student and don't have a job because i'm trying to concentrate marks on school. As well her family doesn't even like me, and she calls me cheep because i can't buy her family gifts when i need to pay the phone bill, the net bill, the house bill.


- she complains that i never want to introduce her to my friends or family. well... can't do that if she doesn't want to come to where i live, i mean... i 'm pretty sure my sisters not going to follow me around all day just to see my girlfriend


- she complains that i never buy her flowers... ok fine fair game, but she never gives me random stuff either. She wants me to empty my pockets on her, while she does nothing for me. When we first started going out... 3 days in i bought her a fairly expensive watch, in return i got a premade dream catcher from her mom's little business... lotta heart put into that one.



- she constantly asks me if i'm only going out w/her because she's the only girl around... ummm hello i go to a big ass school w/ 10 000 ppl in my faculty alone and class sizes of like 200 ppl. I'm pretty sure if i wanted a girl then i'd find one. Then she's like "ohh i'm not sure... bye the way, me and this guy blah blahb lah, and then he pushed me and i pushed him and we both ended up rolling on the ground!! ahahahaha " . she got mad at me a week earlier because i said that i messed up the hair of the kung fu master's daughters hair, and i did mention sshe's about 4 - 5 years older than me, and that we don't even have that much in common... she like to say that i'm doing well and make fun of me occasionally. so wat? i can't have a female freind when she's blabbing about the guys that she flirts with at school all day?


- ever since we've been dating her mom constantly gets her (my gf) to ask me why i'm dating her. is it for sex? no. I already told you that last week. 'then why do you go out w/me?' that can get a little annoying last nite... then we got into a big discussion about how our family's raised us ( my mum not soo nosey bout my life, her's is pretty nosey) . at the end of the convo she said "i love you" which is now pretty ritualistic before we hang up... but i dont' say it unless i'm really feeling it... when i hesitated she said "FINE WATEVER" and hung up.


like guys am i so bad? i buy her movie tickets, she draggs me around the city to do her stupid research for a 10 minute speech. I mean she dragged me out all the way to this museum that her mom said was 'good and had a lot of info on the guy she was doing a speech on'. when we got there i paid for her ticket in ( all the money i had for the day), and we walked around for an hour and found one poster of the 'famous exploror' oh... and a nice lady gave me a russel crow poster for his new movie :confused: . then she wanted to go eat... but i had no more money so i just said i wasn't hungry. She kept pushing it and i finally told her that i'm outta cash, then she gave me a look that pretty much said " tht's all you have?! that's disgusting"



guys, i'm really loosing patients here... and when my exams are finally done on the 10th, it's ME who has to go all the way to her house ( 1 1/2 hour from my school). With NO comprimise at all. She wants to see a movie ( she now thinks i'm rich because i'm working at McDonalds, which i got a job at partly for her, but more my family as it is the christmas season). Guess who has to pay for her ticket? then take her home then go home late at night. Also, ever since i toldher i got a job at Mcdonald's she's upped the price of the christmas present that i'm going to buy for her. But she says, i most likely won't like her present. i mean... my present for her is good quailty and not cheep... her present is her moms idea... not her own.


guys... anyway to control this? or just find a new gf?

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Doesn't sound like she's worth all that effort. Find someone who likes you for you, not for what you can do for her.

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Okay let's see. You have a girlfriend that...


*Never drive/makes the effort to see you.

*Insults you

*Expects you to go without the basic necessities to buy her (and her family) gifts

*Insults you when you can't

*makes no effort to get to know your family

*is demanding, complaining, cheap

*flirts with other men then TELLS you about it

*is insecure and jealous

*has a mother that insults you

*Is materialist


*...oh and she INSULTS YOU!


Oh, I dunno... should you stay or go?!... tough call. Maybe we should go over the list again...



ps. Your girlfriend behavior is insulting.

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Dude, that's not love.


You don't have a real, loving relationship. If you want one, then dump her and find someone who's going to love your for YOU and not what you can do for her.


If you want to continue to be raked over the coals, then stay with her. It's your choice. Good luck.

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You need to drop her with a quickness. She doesn't show you any respect and just sounds like a major pain in the ass. I'm gonna have to give her a big thumbs down and so should you, IMO.

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I got angry just reading that. Dump her, now.


If you don't, I'll come over there and force you to. Don't put yourself through that type of abuse and find someone who will appreciate you better.

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You've definately sown yourself a bad seed there dude!


Get rid of her she's bad news!!!


Find yourself another girl, who respects you, your financial situation, and make sure she's not a materialistic bitch who expects the world! (if that's possible to find out!)


Poor you!

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