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I recently met this guy about a month ago. We met a bar of all places, we talked all night til we got kicked out of the bar, then my friend and i went to his place with him and his friends, we talked alot ( He told me that he felt very comfortable around me and he said that i was cozy) and he ended up kissing me that night twice. we talked and hung out held hands, and laughed til my friend told me we had to leave, that was at 5 in the morning. we exchanged numbers, and he texted me immediately after we left to tell me to stay awake. we texted all week and he called me a couple of times.

The following Friday, we decided to watch a movie together. It was romantic, we had a great time and one thing led to another, and we ended up having sex. It was amazing he thoght it was also. he was so caring and sweet.

I would never normally just have sex with someone i barely know but i just felt so good to be with him. We met up two days later and hung out for a few hours, and ended up doing it again. I was a little uncertian that time about his intentions. So i asked him if he was just looking for someone to just have sex with, he told me no, and that he would not waste his time with me if it that was all it was. he told me "i turned him on so much"


I didn't see him for two weeks after that, we only communicated through text and IM. He never called me after those first couple of conversations we before we met up on that friday. i was beginning to question again what his intentions were.


So about a week ago, we met up again, He ditched his friends to hang out with me. He took me to a nice restruant. We had a romantic dinner, then went to a concert. He held my hand and kissed me in public, and always kissed me on the forehead, fussed over me, and was just so sweet, after the concert we went back to his place and again one thing led to another, and we did it again. amazing.I stay at his place that night, and we spent the whole day together the next day. we had great convosations and sweet moments. This time i wasn't questioning his intentions, i knew he wanted to be with me.


Its been a week since then, and i havent heard from him. we made plans before i left that sunday to meet up the next week that he would come with me to get my tattoo. he never came with me, he called me when i was in the middle of it, but i couldnt answer. I tried to call him back but no answer.


I so confused about after us having that great weekend together why would he just stop talking to me completly. I want to ask him what is going on. I really like him, but what am i to him? He still has pictures of his ex on his facebook is he still in love with her? is he confused, should i give him space, or just give up? Was this all just a game? I feel so bad, just dont know what to do. I dont want to date anyone else, I want to be with just him. :( If he wants space i am willing to give it to him, but i just dont want to waste my feelings on someone who doesn't feel the same. what should i do.

Any and all ad advice in much appreciated

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To be perfectly honest, it sounds like the chase ended rather quickly, and he knows he can pretty much call you and expect sex. You asked if this was all about sex, but at the same time, you are routinely sleeping with him. Every time he has seen you after the first time he met you (when you hung out until 5am) he has gotten laid.


So i asked him if he was just looking for someone to just have sex with, he told me no, and that he would not waste his time with me if it that was all it was. he told me "i turned him on so much"


Ok, I'm going to level with you: I've said this before, and its a lie. It was long ago, and I was a completely different person, but getting laid = never a waste of time. 'You just tuned him on so much' is a blame shift, meaning its not his fault youre so hot. You feel good about the compliment, and have already slept with the guy anyway, so what the hell, right? But by doing that, your actions are not matching up with your words. You express concern that its all about sex, yet sleep with him everytime, which lets him rationalize to himself that youre ok with it.


Its been a week since then, and i havent heard from him. we made plans before i left that sunday to meet up the next week that he would come with me to get my tattoo. he never came with me, he called me when i was in the middle of it, but i couldnt answer. I tried to call him back but no answer.


Boot this bozo to the curb ASAP. This guy is a complete waste of your time. No man that is interested in a girl does that, period. Unless you find out he got in a car accident and has been in a coma, or something equally prohibitve, you can safely assume he is not as interested as you need him to be. It sucks, happens to the best of us, but dont let this dude get away with this crap. If you do, I promise you, all it will EVER be about is sex. I've been in that guys shoes before, and he's not interested in making you his girlfriend. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I want to save you as much heartache as I can. I hope you understand.

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He is looking for dating on his terms, when it suits his schedule, and when it is easy for him. This guy is out of order and you should be really mad at him right now, not asking whether to give him space! TO start with you two are hardly hanging out so space isn't an issue...and besides-space from what?! Space from a lovely, hot girl who is great in bed? Erm....a nice guy who likes you would not want space from that.


He is a douche and was only after one thing - so, not a gent. I'd tell him so, but in a dignified 'i'm better than this' type of way, then leave him alone or just say you're happy to be friends, in an offhand way. He might actually get more interested again after this, lol. :D But if he does then heck, you're still too good!

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I want to let him know how i feel, but since he doesn't call me or text me anymore, i dont know how to go about that. I want to tell he hurt me

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