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Making Progress but still unsure.

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So long story short. I met a girl who I really liked, pushed it really hard and made a lot of mistakes in the sense that I was needy, unconfident, and didn't come off as a sexual guy. Asked her out twice and she eventually said she would think about it but probably wouldn't change her mind and wanted to be friends.


Fast forward a couple months, I hit the books on how to act around girls, and how to change a girls mind about you. I have put in a lot of work, and we have gotten what I would consider closer. We hang out more, and plan a lot of stuff together, and some of my friends feel like were boyfriend and girlfriend without the kissing or sex, and say when we hang out they wouldn't know that we weren't. I feel like that is a good thing, but still at the end of the day when I'm sitting with her on the couch watching a movie, we are not a couple, and she is sometimes reserved about touching or my slight sexual comments.


But yesterday we hung out for all day, for like 12 hours, not even planned, just happened. and when we were having a drink at work, she laughed and said that we should have text sex, so we went back and forth for like 7 text about having sex before she stopped.


But still I cannot tell because I'm an idiot. I don't know if she will always see me as a friend, and our sexual jokes and interactions where we touch are just in fun and not real advances.


Any input? Should I be more aggressive?

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Next time she asks for text sex, say no. Ask for real sex. If you get lucky, then score one for you!


I hate to say it, but it sounds as if she has put your dick in glass case that reads, "For Emergency Use Only!" Now that you have some knowledge about how not into fromances (friendship romances), try it on a new girl. This one, because of the start, will only see you as a dick in a glass case.

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I agree with mushmush...you've tried, she hasn't really responded, so I'd move on to someone else. It may not change her mind, but you'll be happier than you would waiting around on her. And if she does change her mind after realizing you're not so available, hey, bonus. :)

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