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Friends or potentially more?

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So glad I found this forum! I need some objective advice...


This guy and I play a team sport together. In the past couple months, we've started hanging out after games together, having a few drinks, going back to his place and watching TV. Then we started cuddling...nothing more, just sitting close and holding hands. I always left and went home afterwards.


One night we made out, and that time I spent the night and we went to sleep just holding each other (no sex). The next week was back to just cuddling and just sleeping, without even kissing. The last time, we made out again, and he wanted to have sex...I did too, but said no since I'm still not sure exactly what's going on. We don't see each other or usually even talk/text between games. I tried inviting him out with my friends one time, but he was working that day, and I haven't had the nerve to ask again.


Does this sound like he just wants a convenient friend with benefits? Or is just unsure about taking things further? The thing that confuses me is he's very sweet to me when we're together (acting more like a boyfriend than a friend). And he's also introduced me to his family, we've had breakfast with them after I've stayed over. My friends say this doesn't seem like a "f*** buddy" behavior, and I'd tend to agree based on past experiences. But then why hasn't he asked me out on a "proper" date?


Any opinions? What I should I do? I don't know whether to write it off now as FWB (as I'm not interested if that's all it is), or give it time, and possibly make a move myself towards taking it further. When we're together it's great, it just bothers me that it's only ever once a week.

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Because guys are always so honest when they're just after sex? Riiiiight.


As I said, I posted because I wanted *other* people's opinions on the situation.

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Ask him out on a date. See how he responds. My personal opinion is that he seems to care about you as a friend, but if he's genuinely interested in you as more than a friend, he'd ask you out before trying to bed you.


I hope I'm wrong though.

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Thanks miss sapphire! I appreciate your opinion. I was considering skipping our usual night together next week, so maybe I'll do that and also suggest we do something on another night instead, and see how he reacts.

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