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I was recently introduced to this girl from south africa and asked by mums friend to show her around and look after her for a bit on her two month stay. And as you can probably guess by the fact that i am posting on here, i have fallen for her. Unfortunately we are both shy. Things have been a bit flirty, and we have seen eachother a few times and when i suggested a list of things we could do, she wanted us to go to the cinema, which i took her to. I am not really sure if she likes me, or is just looking for a friend whilst she is over here, or if she is just really shy and if she does like me, i need some tips on things to do to make her realise i like her and quickly before she goes home. Any ideas.


Moony M

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Everyone goes through shyness at some point in their life. You're often wondering if that other person likes you in the same way that you like them. You wish sometimes that you could read the other person's mind. You analyze everything they say, and the way they say it.

My advice to you is to use all the time you have with this girl to your advantage. Since she is only going to be with you for 2 months, use that time to get to know her better. Take her out to dinner where you can share conversation and really get to know each other. Maybe you could bring along a simple gift (nothing too expensive) to show your admiration (maybe a single flower). Don't lay your heart on the line right away ~ talk to her a while to get a "vibe" from her to find out if she has a boyfriend at home, or if she has just broken up with someone.

Ask her about her interests, family, friends, or homeland ~ anything to get her talking and the conversation going. You may have more things in common than you realize. Good luck!!! :)

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