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i need to know something. if i wanted to tell a girl how i feel about her how should i say it. i know this sounds confusing, but im sure im not the only person who would like to know this

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Be open and honest and tell her how you have felt (however long that may be)


Don't sugar coat anything, and just make the conversation easy and free flowing.


Sorry, I can't write a script of things for you to say. I don't know you and I don't know her.


You should be fine though.

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hey man,

ok... well when i was younger i had the same prob, look at a chick want to get to know her better... couldn't talk to her cause i was too damn chicken... well still am, but not as much, and i've come to accept rejection as part of the package... but anyways. You could always write her a note from her secret admirer. I did that for this one girl for valentines day... well it was a poem and a box of chocolates that i had sent to her, and after about 2 weeks of her guessing i told her it was me and we ended up together :laugh:


so i dunno

depending on the situation... i'd say... just talk to her... if she's in ur class try and come in a lil after her and sit beside her or something

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Goodluck whatever you decide.


If you're friends with her, then just set her straight...just write her a letter and don't be over the top but just tell her how you feel. And then if she's going to ignore you, then well at least you didn't put yourself in that decision face to face...


If she's given you any indication that there might be a chance, i'd say go for it you only live once...i'm sure deep down, no matter what her reaction is, she'll appreciate your honesty and even feel flattered.


Whatever you do don't just walk up to her and ask her out. That is a definate bad idea, that happened to me at school when I was in year 12 (2 years ago) and I had only properly spoken to this guy like the day before?????? And although I did feel flattered I was also majorly weirded out and I felt like I couldn't really be his friend anymore cause it was just weird. I'm just like "Um I have a boyfriend" see he didn't know the first thing about me!!!


So I don't know what your situation is whether you know her or not or what...

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