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Charater Defects

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I've heard about character defects, I don't know that much about it, other than I guess we all have some kind of defect I suppose.


Exactly what is it? And were people born with it? Was it maybe a learned behavior from a parent or someone? Or was it nothing we were born with or learned, maybe it was just picked up later in life on our own? I've seen more so discussed with people who are drinking problems, but I was thinking anyone can have a character defect, and not be a alcoholic.


Oops just realized I spelled it wrong in the title. :p

Edited by EnigmasMuse
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I don't know much about character defects, but I have seen a list of character defects people have. I guess we all have these at times. They are usually not very good qualities.



A few that I saw before on a list were things like:


Self Pity









Those are a few I've seen. Not sure about where it comes from.

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I would THINK its a learned behavior, but not for sure on that. We all have some type of character defect(s). Its all about learning how to deal/handle them in a positive way, because most of the defect(s) are negative.

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