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Rihanna v/s Chris Brown


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Am I the only one who doesn't buy it. Acutally, I don't believe Rihanna is telling the truth. Think about it, she said the argument started when she caught him in a lie about another girl. SHE is the one who was angry and outrageous, not him. What reason did he have to be angry? He just got busted. If anything he was probably trying to convince her to calm down.


Of course I wasn't there so I can't say who did what. NO it is not okay for anyone to hit another person. There is no way I believe that Rihanna didn't hit Chris too. There is no way she went from being the angry, jealous girlfriend to the helpless little victim.


That photo is the most obvious thing of all. Who took that picture? How did it become public so quickly? I have no doubt the photo was altered. Rihanna's people put it out there to make things look worse than they really were.


Right now, Rihanna is getting the ultimate revenge. This is pay back for him cheating on her. She is ruining his career. The reason that she went back to him is that she had no reason to be affraid. She knew she was lying.


It just sucks that Chris tried to take the high road by not telling what Rihanna did to him. He accepted responsibility for his wrong. Now he will be an abuser for the rest of his life. But she has accepted no responsibility. She is allowing the world to believe that Chris is an animal. All those nasty thing she said about him in that interview. Those were nothing but the words of a woman scorned.


But at the end of the day, I love both Chris Brown and Rihanna's music. I'll continue to buy the albums as long as they're hot :p

Edited by Butterflying
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None of this is her fault and sorry, it's people like you that make it even harder for victims to come forward. SHE DID NOTHING WRONG. SHE DID NOT PUT A GUN TO HIS HEAD and say HIT ME CHRIS.


He chose to hit her, he has issues and I hope he goes to counselling, anger management to deal with this and change his ways. He's sick and he needs to just shut up and get help...The more he talks, the worse this will get.


She has every right to go public, share her story, be a pillar of strength for those who are caught in abusive relationships and can't get out. If ONE victim leaves their abuser because of her, then that's great in my books.


Also, he ruined his OWN career, she didn't ruin it for him.

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Just because he is a man, people like you WWIU are quick to judge him as the attacker. For many years, women have abused men. That is kept quiet because men don't want to lose their masculinity.


Nobody ever witnessed Chris physically abuse Rihanna. But there are witnesses who claimed it was common knowledge that Rihanna was the agressor in that relationship. If you listen to some of her music, she brags about how she is going to "fight a man" for cheating on her.


I'm not saying you have to see abuse to believe it. I'm just saying that I think it's one thing to stand out against abuse, admit that it happened, learn the lesson, and move on to more positive aspects of life.


Instead, what Rihanna is doing is trashing Chris. I've been in abusive an relationship. I loved him so much that even after it happened, I was not able to speak ill against him the way that Rihanna has done to Chris. To say that she broke up with him ONLY because of what "fans" will think is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Since when does celebrities chose their lovers based on what fans will think? Sure they do it all the time for publicity. But when abuse is the topic, publicity shouldn't have anything to do with it.


If Chris is really a dangerous person, she should have left him because of that, not the fan's opinions. This shows that she is only thinking about her career more than a human being whom she claims to love.


The truth is more likely that Rihanna lied and made Chris out to be so terrible. Then she thought it was no big deal. They could apologize to each other and move on. But then she realized just how big a lie she told. People take abuse very seriously. She made everyone believe Chris was a monster when SHE is the real monster. Now they can't back together even if they want to because the fans would hate her more for lying than they hate Chris for being an ALLEGED abuser.


We didn't see Chris's scars because he didn't release a photo of them. Eventually the truth will come out. And we will discover that Chris's actions were "self defense" not abuse. Rihanna is upset now because instead of sitting back and taking ABUSE FROM HER, Chris finally stood up for himself.


Unfortunately for men, this is never a good move. It's better for them to walk away and get out of the relationship than to fight back. Women can do all sorts of crazy things, including kill men in a jealous rage, and still get away with it.

Edited by Butterflying
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It was a police photo, it was not altered and the proof is in the way she carried herself in that interview. She's more mature than some 40 yr olds I know.


You can tell she's had a lot of therapy and healing.

No way is she telling ANY lies! She still loves the guy but was just smart enough to realize she needed to be away

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I've been in abusive an relationship. I loved him so much that even after it happened, I was not able to speak ill against him the way that Rihanna has done to Chris. To say that she broke up with him ONLY because of what "fans" will think is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Since when does celebrities chose their lovers based on what fans will think? Sure they do it all the time for publicity. But when abuse is the topic, publicity shouldn't have anything to do with it.


If Chris is really a dangerous person, she should have left him because of that, not the fan's opinions. This shows that she is only thinking about her career more than a human being whom she claims to love.


That wasn't the way I interpreted her message at all.


The photo of her bruised face, taken at the police station, was leaked to the press. In that photo, she could have been any downtrodden, low self esteem girl living in a deprived area and getting beaten up routinely by a crack-dealing boyfriend. A short time later, the press expressed a lot of concern (underpinned with a critical tone) because it seemed as though she was getting back together with Chris Brown. Now she didn't just look like the low self esteem girl for whom face-bruising from a violent boyfriend is in the normal course of events. She was behaving like her too.


Bear in mind that she's talked about a childhood where she witnessed a lot of arguments between her mother and her crack-addicted father. Celebrity doesn't just wave a magic wand and make a person's issues vanish. Suddenly they're in this position of glamour and privilege, where they're expected to behave as though they were born to it....but all the old issues are still there, and may well become even harder to deal with, for people who are having to present a glamorous "got my life together" face to the world.


It's no wonder so many celebrities who had a difficult childhood, and pulled themselves out via talent and physical beauty have meltdowns here and there. Chris Brown - similar story. He's talked about a childhood where his stepfather was violent towards himself and his mother. Again - celebrity doesn't just magic all that away.


I would think Rihanna has almost certainly been getting counselling that helped her to make the decision to talk about the violence. She's a glamorous successful woman who a lot of girls look up to. If it's acceptable for her to get beaten up by her boyfriend (and returning to any violent man ultimately sends out the message that it's acceptable) then why would they feel they deserve or should expect any better?


If you have never found yourself in the position where a younger woman considered you to be some sort of role model, you might not understand this: The protective feeling towards someone who trusts and looks up to you can outweigh the pull towards a seductive but destructive situation - even where your own self preservation instinct failed to help you resist that destructive situation.


That's what maturity is about. Whether it's a maternal thing, I don't know - but the desire to protect younger people can be incredibly powerful, and I think you may be doing Rihanna a disservice in adopting such a cynical perspective on her decision to speak out. No doubt her PR people stepping in and coaching her through it has added a certain cheesiness to the whole thing - but regardless of that, I think she probably made this decision with good intentions.

Edited by Taramere
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Just because he is a man, people like you WWIU are quick to judge him as the attacker. For many years, women have abused men. That is kept quiet because men don't want to lose their masculinity.


Men get abused too, I know that, so please don't put words in my mouth.


THE EVIDENCE speaks for itself and as someone mentioned, the photo was leaked out to the press. Remember, she went back to him, and denied it happened. She obviously woke up and got help, support from family, friends and therapy, then got out.


BF, you have your opinion, I have mine...Agree to disagree here.

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Rihanna attacked him first actually. She slapped him several times. She has done this on many occassions. I think he had enough and went crazy on her

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The Collector

Beating and biting Rhianna is bad enough, but that pastel blue sweater and bow tie he wore on Larry King was truly evil.

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Beating and biting Rhianna is bad enough, but that pastel blue sweater and bow tie he wore on Larry King was truly evil.


I was about to chastise you for introducing an irreverent tone, but then I felt I should investigate the facts before leaping in.


Sartorial abuse. There's increasing support for an underground community of men secretly purchasing these items. If you google search terms like "blue" "bow" "shameless" "soft to the touch" and "more Christian Union less Christian Lacroix", it quickly leads you into a world of horrifying revelations.

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But at the end of the day, I love both Chris Brown and Rihanna's music.

i don't know who these people are, mainly due to age and disinterest.

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None of this is her fault and sorry, it's people like you that make it even harder for victims to come forward. SHE DID NOTHING WRONG. SHE DID NOT PUT A GUN TO HIS HEAD and say HIT ME CHRIS.



Also, he ruined his OWN career, she didn't ruin it for him.


Agreed. And I seriously doubt the OP was ever in an abusive relationship, or she wouldn't be so quick to blame the victim. Victim as in, the one with the battered face in the police photo.

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Holly crap...... What a low life pig. It doesn't matter if she started first, if that was the case then he should have had common sense in keeping his hands to himself and walk away like a real man would have done... He ain't no real man, he's a scumbag..

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Agreed. And I seriously doubt the OP was ever in an abusive relationship, or she wouldn't be so quick to blame the victim. Victim as in, the one with the battered face in the police photo.

Yes I actually was. In my case, I put up with it until one day I got tired and flipped out on my XBF. He started choking me. When I thought I was really going to die for the first time, hydreniline came into me. I kicked him between his legs. He let me go. And even then, I just couldn't stop kicking him. Police were called. He had to be rushed to the hospital. Of course he told the cops that I had attacked him for no reason at all. But I had enough bruises to support my case and a record of previous calls from witnesses of the abuse. My XBF still filed a case against me. But the charges were dropped due to his criminal record compared to my clean record.


So this is the reason that I can see both sides. I'm not saying Chris was right for fighting back. I'm saying that media and press (due to Rihanna's fantastic PR reps of course) have painted a picture in this case that makes Chris seem like a monster. Meanwhile, Rihanna is the innocent angel. That alone makes me skeptical of what is depicted in the media. The media gets it wrong all the time. In cases where it's too good to be true, it always is! In this case, the conclusion was made before either of the people involved confirmed or denied it.

Edited by Butterflying
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I'm not saying Chris was right for fighting back. I'm saying that media and press (due to Rihanna's fantastic PR reps of course) have painted a picture in this case that makes Chris seem like a monster.
The difference is that in your case you were fighting for your life when your ex b/f started choking you. You had every right to do that. Same would go if a woman is about to stab her man with a knife.


But in the Chris/Rihanna case, there was no life threatening situation. He assaulted her and therefore is facing the consequences. Who did he think he was thinking he could get away with it and continue singing as if nothing happened???


And if it was Rihanna pushing/showing him first, it still doesn't excuse what he did. That was too much he did and is still a pig. That force should only be done if one's life is seriously threatened that you got no choice but to fight back. Therefore, Chris has no excuse. What a scumbag....

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Go ahead Chris Brown. Keep beating up women. I ain't scare of you, piece of ****. You'll lose I can guaranteed.


So basically it's his step-father's fault for becoming the garbage he is?

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I'm not saying Chris was right for fighting back. I'm saying that media and press (due to Rihanna's fantastic PR reps of course) have painted a picture in this case that makes Chris seem like a monster.


Ofcourse EACH of them are going to use the media to their advantage...And, they aren't the only ones who do this, ANY public figure, famous person, athlete, actress/actor, musician will take advantage of the media to futher themselves or try to gain support.. THAT STILL doesn't change the fact that HE is an abuser and needs to get counselling. Or for her to continue counselling to help her get through this..


Bottomline - They still have to make a living.. Right or wrong - Going to the media really doesn't matter.

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Bottomline - They still have to make a living.. Right or wrong - Going to the media really doesn't matter.

I totally agree with you on this one.


I don't know...it's just a horrible situation. I still think there is more to the story than we all know. Rihanna is not the innocent victim we have been led to believe she is. Once again, I completely support NON-VIOLENCE no matter who is involved. If you don't want to get shot, don't shoot anyone else. If you don't want to get hit, don't hit anyone else. Otherwise, chances are, you'll wind up dead, or seriously beaten to a pulp.


There is enough unsolicited violence in this world. But if we'd all do unto other's as we want done unto us, things would be a lot better. IF...and that's a big IF, if Chris did beat Rihanna for absolutely no reason at all, and she hadn't done anything to harm him FIRST, then he is getting what he deserves. The fact is, I really don't believe that's what happened. :bunny::bunny::bunny:

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