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Best way you ever met someone

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What is your favorite way? Of all the people in you life, what was the best way you ever met someone? Friend or lover or passing acquaintance.


I was at my local pub one night, I used to be a regular there. Met this beautiful brunette who took a sudden liking to me. We talked and played pool for quite a while then she went off to talk to another guy. The next evening I went to the same pub (being a regular and all) and this girl had left a message for me. She apparently wanted her keys back. I told everyone that I didn't have her keys and called her back at the number she had left for me with the bartender. Turns out I really didn't have her keys, she just wanted me to call her so we could go out.


Felt like a big 'ol stud that day.:)

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St Patricks Day, 20 years ago. I had been celebrating for a good week or so and decided I needed a little rest. Left the pub I was in and went for a walk along a riverbank to get away from it all. Found a secluded spot and settled down for the night. Woke up the next morning to find a quirkily beautiful young woman curled up beside me. We introduced ourselves, took a quick dip in the river and then spent the entire summer hitching round the country together. Well met and happy days.

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In my first college class, on the first day. He sat down next to me and introduced himself. I got crazy butterflies looking into his eyes and a strong suspicion I'd end up marrying him. I didn't, but we were together for 3 years.

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wrote a nasty-gram routine work letter to this tenant who was going to possibly skip out on his landlord.

the tenant guy had called and left me a message, but i didn't call him bak b/c really there was nothing to discuss.

that friday i go to my local bar for happy hour with work folks. start talking with these two guys there (non coworkers), turns out one of the guys is the cruddy tenant i wrote the letter too... we all have a good laugh.

i end up dating his friend, and eventually marring him!

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I lived in NYC and it was 2 Am after getting home from celebrating my B-day. I called a friend in LA ( 3 hrs behind me) and he said he was just going out to celebrate his friend Camerons B-day, and told me to call Cameron and wish him Happy B-day from Ny.


I did, and that was that. fast forward a year later and I am in LA with a GF. She meets a guy first night there and basically abandons me. My last night, I am going through my phone book and see a note to myself "call cameron, happy birthday and his number"


So, I call, tell him who I am and that our birthdays are a day apart. He picks me up takes me to dinner and we stay up talking all night til I have to leave for my flight.


When I get back to NY my phone is ringing and it's him. We talk every night for a couple of weeks, and then I end up moving across the country to be with him and we got married shortly after.


We were together 7 years, he was my first love and is the father of my only child.


What were the odds ?!?!


Good thread, it reminds us that we never know when love will appear out of thin air !!!!

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great story MM!!!! :love:


in addition to meeting my H, through the said crap tenant- H's friend..... H's friend met a girl online and they were going to meet IRL... so H and accompanied his friend- to the same bar H and i met at.....


so his friend meets the girl, H and i meet her, and i thinking how familiar she looks... finally i remember!!


she was one of my ex BF's neighbors and i had met her years before!!


crazy small world we live in!

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How I met my first boyfriend...


I'd met a junior girl at my college when I was a freshman and participating in the multicultural affairs dept. fashion show; she worked for the store we got the clothes from and was the one who brought them over, organized them, etc. We struck up a conversation backstage and I found out she was on the XC team with two guys I'd met my previous semester.


Fast forward a few days and I spot this girl in a big group of people on the couches in the student union cafe. She sees me and says, "Hey!" I stop by and we chat. After a few minutes this surly-looking guy who I noticed had been staring at me the entire time looked at my new friend and said, "So you're not going to introduce this girl to everyone else?" She said sarcastically, "Oh, I'm sorry, Erik. Erik, this is tigressA...tigressA, Erik. And (so-and-so, so-and-so, etc)." He was looking at me like he had a real problem with me being there. I'd hung out with that group for a couple hours that day and he had even made snide comments at some things I said. My friend apologized for him after, saying that "he doesn't take too well to new people in the group". I kept hanging out with them and soon enough he had taken to me, all right. He was complimenting me every day, always taking the open seat next to me, teaching me how to play the card games they played. Less than two weeks after we first met he asked me out on a date and the rest is history...:laugh:

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