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How do I handle the push/pull game?


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Thanks LS. I'm thoroughly confused. I kinda like this other girl but I can't bring myself to end things with my gf. It was just so good before and I care about her so much... it's hard to break free.


It's very hard to walk away when what you have had has been good. When my last relationship ended, I woke up a lot. I was so busy being there for him. It was only afterwards, I realised he was never really there for me. And the years waiting for him to give me what I needed because he said he would, was never going to happen. I would need to settle.

So all that made moving on from the wonderful thing we had so much easier. I know now I can find someone better. If you feel she will never look after your needs. You need to go. Life is too short.

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It's very hard to walk away when what you have had has been good. When my last relationship ended, I woke up a lot. I was so busy being there for him. It was only afterwards, I realised he was never really there for me. And the years waiting for him to give me what I needed because he said he would, was never going to happen. I would need to settle.

So all that made moving on from the wonderful thing we had so much easier. I know now I can find someone better. If you feel she will never look after your needs. You need to go. Life is too short.


Wow, I hoped that I have found this thread sooner.


I have been in your shoe, and not positive at all. My current bf (whom I'm going to break up with) and I were doing the push and pull with each other. He was afraid of hurting, not only by me but also by someone else, so he kept looking around and talking to his exes. Me, on the other hand, try to get close to him yet again, afraid of being hurt, have never been letting him to get into my circle -things like, I have never let him know my close friends, family or anyone who means so much to me. There's a pattern when I look back the past few months: after a few weeks of our rekindled relationship, he starts pulling away, then he gets closer and has been more open up to me. Then again he pulls away, even pulls the disappearing act. After a while, he comes back to me. Last night, he talked a lot about his day and the past which surprised me. But then, I have to prepare the next cycle to happen which has already sickened me.


It takes a lot of strength and patience to carry things on, if you want to give in or try to start a relationship with this guy. it's up to you whether you want to take the risk to be with this special someone. You have to think of the loss, expect the worst, since you may not win at the end.

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