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I'll do anything to have her....

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Hey everybody, first off I'd like to say sorry for this being long but it has been going on a long time and I'll try to keep it shorter with all the details so here it is!


It all started 3+ years ago with a girl I work with. I was in a previous relationship at the time, and I found out that the woman I was with had cheated on me. A few months later, I had met this girl and wasn't able to talk to her because I'm normally shy with girls that I am interested in. We eventually did begin to talk and right away I knew that I was attracted to her! Just a really fun, happy, and bubbly girl. We had bumped into each other a few times outside of work and she gave me her number. I was too shy even then to call. Time goes on and we start talking a lot about a year and a half ago. For 2 years now she has had the same BF who is a total douchbag and she would complain about him all the time to me and another guy we work with.


We started hanging out everyday after work till the early hours of the morning. It was tonnes of fun and we had an amazing connection. She would continue to tell people that I am everything she wants in a BF and I’m so sweet and true feelings came out. Well then things start happening and I fell in love with her more than I have before. I didn't tell her this at the time. Well around xmas her and her man broke up but she continued to live with her ex due to not having anywhere else to go. She had talked about moving out right away, it never happened.


Well I was always there and she loved the times we hung out but through time she would be hot and cold towards me. We had sex once and that was while she was single but all in all we were dating but never made it official. She came away with me for a weekend with my friends and she treated me horribly while she was there but I still loved having her there for her company. She got back together with her man and never told me for a very long time. I went NC around that time but it only lasted a week before she came back around and that continued for a few months then she switched shifts and we never talked for more than 5 minutes a day.... Then shortly after that stopped too.


Didn't really hang out or talk for about 5 months but I still seen her everyday. Now this other girl really likes me a lot and she is a great girl I started seeing a few weeks ago. Right around that time, the girl that I really want comes back around seeing that I have deleted her from facebook and all messengers as well as her number. In hopes to get over her. We have hung out a few times within this week and things were going right back to how they used to be! I've had great times and just can't move on. We are so great for each other. She has met with a mutual friend and says that she misses me a lot and misses all the things we did together.


I just don't know what to do! There is been so much happen in the year that I know I am forgetting a lot but please I want to be with this girl as she is my world! The connection is there between us really strong. She is still with her BF but has moved away from him and living at home with her parents as he did too in hopes to pay off dept. She has always said that her BF is a retard and wouldn't be with him if she didn't live with him.... This was all I wanted to hear while I was with her. So now she has finally moved out! I just really want to be with this girl and will do what it takes!


Thanks everyone.

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Boundary Problem
For 2 years now she has had the same BF who is a total douchbag and she would complain about him all the time to me and another guy we work with.


Well around xmas her and her man broke up but she continued to live with her ex due to not having anywhere else to go.


she would be hot and cold towards me.


she treated me horribly while she was there


She got back together with her man and never told me for a very long time.


Now this other girl really likes me a lot and she is a great girl I started seeing a few weeks ago.


Right around that time, the girl that I really want comes back around seeing that I have deleted her from facebook. We are so great for each other.


I want to be with this girl as she is my world!


She is still with her BF


She knows how you feel about her and she is using her power over you for her own ego. (manipulative and selfish)


She unfortunately does not love you and I'm sorry to tell you that.


But it is thrilling to engage in the ups and downs with her. Sooner or later you will get sick of it and will want more consistency.


And the other girl who treats you with respect will become more interesting to you.

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Hello again all loveshackers!


Haven't been on in a while but thought i'd give an update!


Its been since October 12th that her and I spoke. There has not been a single word exchanged between us. I would like to say that I am over this girl, but I am far from it!


We worked the same shift today, I did not talk to her or anything. I almost did but I had to hold my ground! However, I noticed her constantly looking at me. And we did lock eyes tonnes of times. I can tell she wants to talk but its not going to happen.


Nothing would make me happier than to be with this girl. I've been dicked around for many months now but I just cannot shake her off. Tonight really made me a little emotional. Its the first time we have worked the same shift since we were "dating", just a hard day for me. I thought I was doing really well until now.


My big problem is, i'm going to be working with her everyday for the next month and I can honestly say that I am nervous as hell. I don't know what to do. I will not be talking to her as a friend...0we really have nothing to talk about. I just don't know what to do.... I still love this girl more than ever, i've stepped back and watched her, she is immature everyone is right, its not enough for me to leave. I'm not showing any emotion of any kind that it bothers me that she is there. I can't let her or anyone else see my pain.


She just looked so good and pretty. It killed me to think she wanted to talk and we didn't. I'm very glad that I didn't break the NC with her!


Help me out guys!

Anything to get over her, anything to come to me and respect me, anything all, all responses are apprichated!


Ps. I dated the other girl for about 8 weeks or so total, great girl but it didn't work out. Just two completly differant people!

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