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i want my ex back

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i met this guy and we went out and everything seemed so perfect, i was the happiest when i was around him or heard his voice.we broke up after a week and i was shocked and heartbroken.we broke up b/c he didnt want to sneak around anymore. my dad is over protective and i am currently in college an he feels that i shouldnt have a steady boyfriend. i disagree, i have my goals and they arent gonna change. i wrote my ex a letter expressing how i feel,i want another chance with him and i dont want to lose him. i want to see for myself if anythin is there or not, or if we are just meant to be friends. any suggestions? thanks

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Well, it sounds like you've pretty well taken care of the matter. If you wrote a convincing letter and he received it, I'm sure you'll hear from him.


No guy wants to date a girl whose dad is constantly watching from a distance. But if you are now away from home and the situation is different, he's likely to go for it. I know you probably feel lots of anger for your dad being so overprotective but I'm sure he had reasons.


Don't press this issue too much. If you don't hear from this guy in a few days, give him a call and ask him if he received your letter. Tell him you'd like to re-establish things, go out, have fun and get to know each other better and take advantage of an opportunity you didn't have before.


If your guy is not totally convinced your dad won't be a factor in a future relationship, you can forget things right now. From your post, it sounds like your dad doesn't want you dating someone specific...I guess he feels it would interfere with your studies. So in a lot of ways, you would still have to keep the situation kind of quiet, at least from dear ole dad.


If he says yes to another try, great. If he says no, great too. You immediately know the verdict and are free to date many other guys one of whom might just be Mr. Right.


And yes, I agree that you are going to have to be a bit more assertive in protesting your dad's butting into your private love affairs. But don't piss him off to the point he cuts off your monthly expenses.

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