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He keeps looking at my profile...


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We met on a dating site and we both have our profiles back up. It tells you when someone looks at your profile. He keeps looking at it every day. I am driving myself crazy wondering why. Part of me is thinking that he wants me to see that he did that and contact him. Part of me is thinking that since I have been in NC with him he is just curious about me, what I am doing and if I am dating someone.


I know it is probably about him. He probably doesn't want me to be dating anyone else even though he did the breaking up.


I don't know why I torture myself this way. I still love him so.


By the way, I've been on a few dates and all I do is compare them in my head to my ex. I can't even enjoy myself because I just wish I was with him instead. I don't feel like I will ever find someone who I am so compatible with again. This particular site uses a match system and he is one of my top matches at 81%! Blah.

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I feel ya. My ex does the same thing, checks my profile, checks my blog 2-3 times a day and its driving me nuts too. But I try not to think about it because..he's a jerk and if he wanted me back he would do more than looking at my profile.


blah x 2

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Your profile states you're male... is this a homosexual relationship?

Gay men can be more jealous than heterosexual men, this much I know.....

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I've had this happen too. I write blogs that help me cope by expressing what's inside and I know she checks them regularly. She is in a relationship but I do not think she is happy, well, she is not as happy as when we were together. But I am not sure what to make of it. There has been no contact since the beginning of September. I don't know what to make of it. One of my friends tells me it doesn't mean anything because she doesn't get an opinion about my life anymore and she can check it all she wants. Me, on the other hand, still enjoys the fact she keeps contact. CRAP! I SUCK!

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You have to have been a member for a month or have posted over 100 times...one or the other, or even both, I think....


I have e-mail, but it's frowned upon to broadcast email addys in public....:(

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Sweeping statement! I'm sure some gay men can be more jealous and others will be less jealous, much the same as heterosexual men, or women. You can't generalise with any group of people.



Your profile states you're male... is this a homosexual relationship?

Gay men can be more jealous than heterosexual men, this much I know.....

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Block him and remove him from your searches and matches...

Those are 2 separate functions, blocking him removes the ability of contact and removing him from searches removes him from your searches and your lists.

also remove him from your favorites list.


You can't stop him from looking but you can stop yourself from knowing if he does.

Edited by Art_Critic
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LOL! I'm glad you caught that! I am female. I don't know how that happened. I thought about blocking him but there is that part of me that still wants to hold onto that shred of hope. But you know what, I have come a long way in this month and a half. I think I will take your advice ArtCritic. I don't need this!

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