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Is it possible for partners to exchange personalities?

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Let's say that the male is usually cheerful and optimistic whereas the female is depressive and pessimistic. For some reason or another, their personalities change. The female becomes optimistic and cheerful and the male becomes depressive and pessimistic. Is this possible? And if so, why or how does it happen?

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Life experiences, and how they impact, can do this.


My previous marriage is proof of this....

My ex- underwent a personality change when he discovered I was pregnant with our first child...

Suddenly, fun and frivolity were replaced with a deep burden of responsibility and humour flew out of the window.


I on the other hand, having been conditioned to be a perpetual worrier and sitting on arguments, found that buddhism helped me transform aspects of myself that hitherto held me back.


so, in short - yes, anything is possible.

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