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Your exercise of choice

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Yoga, pilates and stairs. With this combination, you get core strengthening, flexibility to mitigate aging and cardio. Best of all, you can do all this at home, without the need for space eating equipment.


The end result is toning, rather than bulking. Ripped women, IMO, are not attractive, looking more masculine than feminine.

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Cardio, running on the roads 3-6 miles 3x a week. For weight training I stick to the best workout for the biggest muscle group in you body, pull ups and chin ups. I'm leaving out actual weights for now and using workouts that use only your natural body weight. I'm trying to get my muscle endurance up as well as get my core much stronger. So as I said, pull ups, chin ups, push ups, dips, etc. I'll do that for about 6 weeks, then switch over to free weights for 6 weeks, then repeat.

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My excercise of choice is brisk walking, running on my treadmill, Yoga.. and yes yoga is excerise. It takes a lot of practice to be able to stand on one's head.:laugh:




LOL Mea! And anyone that is a parent can relate to that skill!

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deux ex machina
It changes, I'm training for charity runs the rest of this month and next.


I have completed these. Now I can change up.


Balance. So it's Tai Chi for strength and grace + moderate cardio to keep conditioned.

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