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George of the Jungle

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George of the Jungle

OK, im 24 and i dated a girl that is 17. i know she is young but i fell in love with her and i like her a WHOLE lot. We even talked about getting married. Her family really likes me and they don't have any problem with me and her together. My family(parents, relatives, friends) said that she was too young for me and that i need to find someone my age. Me and her was together for almost 2 years. About 3 months ago me and her broke up i think mainly to do with my family and friends and the age thing also. So we both agreed to go our own ways. Well i did and i started seeing someone else. This new girl is 22 and my family said they REALLY like her and they are always talking about how much they like her. Well i do like her but i don't think that the chemistry is there. She really likes me and is falling for me fast but i don't think i see her in a romantic way. A little over a week ago, me and my ex (the 17 YO) started talking again. She asked me if im dating anyone but i told her that i wasn't.( even though im supposely am) I think there is a REALLY good chance that me and my ex might get back together. I know im just getting myself into deep bulls***. Im sooooooo confused right now on what to do. I have DEEP feelings (im head over heels in love with her) for my ex and she is the one i truely want to be with. How do i get rid of my girlfriend now the easyest without totally pissing her off? I have never dumped anyone before. It is like when im with her, i don't even want to be with her and i feel miserable. Im more attracted to younger girls than i am girls my age. Its just something about younger girls that really turns me on. Somebody please help me on what i should do or how i should do it. Anybodys insight on this matter would be GREATLY helpful to me.

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It is truly great that you are sensitive to the feelings of your current girlfriend.


There is never an easy way to break up. It's always difficult for both people if they have any feelings at all. You are not doing your girlfriend any favors whatsoever by continuing to see her if your heart is with another lady.


You have to see her in person, away from everybody, telephones and other distractions. You could spare her feelings a bit by not disclosing that you are in love with somebody else. Just don't get into that. Merely tell her that the relationship isn't going in the direction you want it to and you simply want to be friends. Let her know you are looking out for HER best interests by allowing her to persue men who would be more favorable to having a great romance with her. Let her know that is not where your head is at right now.


There is just no way you can get around her emotional reaction to what you say. Just say it as gently as possible. You cannot be held hostage to situations you don't want to be in during your lifetime because you fear the reaction of others or are afraid of hurting their feelings. Get out there and be a MAN!!!


Good luck with getting back with your young lady. Be advised there are many dangers in seeing a 17 year old. Your post was a little confusing but I assume if you saw her for three years, you began dating her when she was 14. At age 17, no matter how mature they seem, young ladies are very fickle, immature, unsettled and have a lot of growing up and traveling to do. While she may be very interested in you now, statistically the odds are against it working out in the longrun...but some of them do. Just have fun and see where it goes.


Again, you are doing you current lady a major favor by freeing her to find someone who really cares about her. I think it's great that you consider the feelings of others.

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