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when will i ever learn???

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Okay, it's 'encourage me ' time....


I just broke up with a freind of two years,boyfriend of one month. Most of the break up was my fault - i have a disgusting temper and sharp little mouth. He's a complaints manager-used to people screaming their guts out at him so I guess I shouldn't have been such a b**ch outside hours. However he was very clever with his words, so in a way he treated me like one of his clueless customers rather than a gf and always found a way to turn back on the words that had me melting like never before, with finesse compared to my spiteful digs. We had to scrounge the time we had together because of his busy working schedule and I tried to make it good everytime we were together, it's not as if I hadn't made an effort. However it was painful just being away from him and I expressed it the wrong way.

I am also the wrong race and family for the guy. This I found out just recently and I don't know why I feel more hurt than any other break up I've been thru. He told me he would rather marry his cousin as he's more comfortable sharing his future with someone he has known for longer than me. Yes he's from 'that' background. We are of the same religion but I guess I aint closely related enough for him, and he said I'm not much of a good follower of God anway. I am not going to make myself feel inferior but feel like a second choice slut to fill in his time-still coming to terms with that.


It's given me reason to back off from relationships a little. What would really hurt me is if I ever see him again on his own or even worse, with another girlfriend, yet another non Desi non Cousin woman. I can only hope that he does marry his cousin after all like he desires. It would be the only thing that will make me feel better at this point in time.


However I still wait for his call one day like some stupid retard even though I am supposed to be carrying on and getting stronger. This is just stupid. He's dumped me for the most hurtful of reasons, screwed with my mind even though he claims very clamly that he hasn't done anything wrong at all and well, just brought out the worst in me (with a little help from myself)


I just want to stop thinking of this poisonous little dude. My friends have been very supportive-I can't be on my own now, I have to always be hanging around people and it just makes me look really daft having to bug my friends for their time when they could be doing other stuff instead of lstening to my probs where the solution is so obvious.


And it is. So why haven't I got over such a bad thing? It's been a week in case you are wondering.

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Boundary Problem

If you HAVE to be with people all the time, why don't you sign up for some volunteering. There are so many old age care facilities where the staff are run off their feet and would love someone to come and assist with recreation activities.


If will make you feel good about yourself, and what better way to show your "pure" heart, if he is so religious.


Who cares who he dates? or marries for that matter? Just be indifferent to him.

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