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Men trouble, PLEASE help....

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one who is worried

Is it normal when I feel miserable with my husband?

I really love the guy...

but he gets on my nerves sometimes...

2 recent examples:


last week we put our baby in his bed and waited until he fell asleep as we planing to have sex.

11pm the phone rings he picks up the phone it was his brother, instead of telling his brother I will call you later or tomorrow or whenever he talked with him for 20 minutes about Football! I was hurt.


Yesterday, he call me at 5:20pm says I am on my way home, I waited until 6:45pm tried to call his cell phone - no answer.

Finally at 7pm he answered the phone saying that he went to help his friend with something (didn't even call me!) I was SO upset.


I admit, I don't like his friends, he's a recovered drug users and some of his friends were involved with him getting drugs in the past (I know it was HIM to did drugs but they didn't help by offering...)

So when he goes to his friends I stress out and sometimes giving him hard time, I know its wrong and I am trying to control it.


I don't know... I don't want to break our little family but he doesn't think he's doing me any wrong.


What is your opinion?

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My opinion is that he's an inconsiderate bxstard. However, there are a lot of those out there nowadays. Parents don't teach a lot of the kinds of consideration and thoughtfullness they once did and a lot of people just don't have common sense. Now it's up to you. If you want your husband to treat you properly, you've got to let him know clearly...so he totally understands. Didn't you notice this stuff about him before you married him? It may not have made a difference...there are so many out there just like him.

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dear one who is worried, how long have you been married? it sounds like you are newly weds. but besides that, i think your hubby is completely neglecting his resposibilities to you and your baby. instead of having just one baby, you have two kids to take care of- and that is not fair! you need to let hubby know that his bahaviour is unacceptable and that he could at least call you if he will be late. do not allow this behaviour from him- he is being selfish- and who knows what he is doing behind your back. i strongly reccomend counceling for both of you- for him to get his head out of his @$$, and for you to become more assertive. good luck, and if you believe in God- pray.

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Don't stay silent. NO it is not normal to describe your interactions with the man you love as "miserable". If you don't communicate to him, it will only get worse.

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Did he not realize how worried you were? My husband did something similar the other day. He had a meeting at work, and didn't call. I was so mad at his inconsideratness!!! When he got home, I didn't yell and accuse, I accuse, I acted terrified, and asked, "Where have you been?" He said, "I had a meeting, Mom..." I fell into his arms, and said, "I was so worried! I didn't know where you were! I thought you had wrecked or something." He said, "If something was wrong, I would've called." I cried, "I was afraid you were hurt..."


He saw how upset I was, and not how I was trying to control him and where he is at all times.


Men just need to realize sometimes that we aren't wanting to control them, we just love them and worry.


My mom used to give me the impression she was a control freak when she wanted me to be home at a certain time, and I was 2 minutes late, and she'd fly off the handle. One night, when I was 3 minutes late, and got home to find her in tears that I didn't care enough about her to not make her worry, I learned my lesson.


Maybe he just doesn't understand......if telling him you were worried doesn't work, then I wouldn't be so keen to call the next time I'm going to be late :D Sometimes they don't get it until you show them.

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