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Is it abuse (to the kid) if....


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one parent hits the other but not the kid.


We see this in the movie Angel Eyes starring Jennifer Lopez. When she's talking to her boyfriend about herself and her father being abusive towards her mother, she goes on saying ''But he never hurt me'' while the boyfriend states ''Yes he did''.

Edited by samsungxoxo
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one parent hits the other but not the kid.


We see this in the movie Angel Eyes starring Jennifer Lopez. When she's talking to her boyfriend about herself and her father being abusive towards her mother, she goes on saying ''But he never hurt me'' while the boyfriend states ''Yes he did''.


From a professional Child Welfare perspective, it's not "abuse", but it IS "neglect". Children can easily get caught in the physical crossfire, to say nothing of the emotional implications, and children can get removed from their homes due to domestic violence issues.

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Yes I see it as abuse, as I it's definatley got to effect the kid in a negative way. Same as parents regulary screaming and shouting at each other.


It'll be distressing for the kid, and will surely not only have a negative effect on them while they're young, but will still have a negative effect on them when they're adults themselves.


Kids should grow up in a loving enviroment and need to be nurtured. I'm not saying that parents should never argue or disagree, I mean if they never did that'd be harmful to kids too as they wouldn't get much of a sense for disagrement or how to resolve things with other people themselves.

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people in a relationship should not be hitting each other. end of.

hitting each other in front of their child is one of the most upsetting things for a child to witness.


it also embeds the notion that this is how normal adults behave. not saying any person who saw this as a child will go on to hit their partners, but its certainly not setting a good example of what a loving relationship is.

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