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Is she in denial???


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To make a long story as short as possible,...I'm 24 years old. I was friends with this girl name Ashley when I was 12, and the reason we stopped being friends is because she told a huge lie to our entire jr. high school that her mom died. I believed her, and later found out she lied when my dad and her dad were talking about the situation. ...SO years go by and she finds me on myspace. She gave me her phone number, and she picked me up at my house to talk and catch up. (my driving liscense is suspended). From that point on everything is perfect, and then I met her husband. From the moment I met him I felt a weird vibe, like he was attracted to me. (the same vibe most women get when they know someone is attracted to them). I would feel uncomfortable when he would see me and give me a hug, and also hug me when I leave. I told my friend Ashley about the hugging, and she said it was nothing, and he does that to everyone. So I asked her to keep that I felt uncomfortable between us, and she did. ...Everything continued. He would always hug me hello and goodbye.

Later on, Ashley got extremely upset with me for bringing up the lie she told in jr. high to the entire school. I brought it up because she was calling one of my friends a liar. Ashley was so upset, that she didnt call me for days. ...Then all of a sudden her husband calls me from his work. Her husband asked me why I havent been at his house, and I should just be the bigger person and call Ashley. He also told me that he likes it when I am at his house, and he said he doesnt understand why im single because i'm so beautiful,(he says that all the time) and then he ended it with "Dont tell Ashley I called you, and you can call me whenever you want to talk, but dont call me when I'm at the house with Ashley. There was a time when I called him and talked about Ashley. (I admit I shouldnt have called him)

Eventually Ashley called me and we became happy friends again. One day Ashleys husband called asking how I was, and said he was glad me and Ashley were friends again, and told me how Ashley was at her mothers house. I told him that it was good that she was with her mom, and felt REALLY weird and said I have to go, and he said ok, he would call me later. I told my brothers and got other guys point of views on what they thought about everything, and they told me Ashleys husband was trying to creep with me. I told Ashley EVERYTHING. The whole story of what happend, and she said I took it the wrong way. She said she knows her husband and I'm not his type. Then she insulted me and said "ewww, your not his type, your dirty". (which is NOT true) Ashley and her husband called me on speaker phone, and her husband denied everything except for calling me. He said he called me to make me and Ashley friends again, and he said I'm not "All That" to be talking the way I was talking. Ashley and I are not friends anymore. She wrote me crazy text messages, and e-mails, saying I'm broke and a jealous loser. AND turned my friend against me.(she wasnt a real friend) PLEASE HELP! What do you guys think about ALL This??? Is she just in denial??? Thank You

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I think you f'ed everything up. Why did you bring up the old lie that was over 12 years in the past? Why did you break her husband's trust in you? He clearly told you not to tell her, yet you blabbed to her like a school girl who cannot keep a secret.


Who cares anymore? These two people obviously want nothing to do with you anymore, so why should you even put one additional ounce of thought into it? Move on with your life.

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