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17 years of being single sucks...

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Hey I'm Quinton, I would like to have a girlfriend but i just can't seem to get one.


Every time i ask a girl out I get shut down and rejected. All of them say the same thing "You are a really nice guy and anyone else would want to date you, just not me."


I don't understand why it is so hard for a girl that I like to like me back.


About 1 month ago i was fed up with this and started asking any girl that walked my way if she would like to get to know me better by going out on a date. No one said yes.


One of my friends (who is not single) told me that I should wait for some one that you hang out with.


So i did, I hung out with some different girls and asked them if they can see if they would be interested in me in time. None of them said yes...


I am confused and hopeless. I have nothing left to live for. I mean if every girl i encounter says she is not interested then why live. I won't be able to have a kid unless i rape someone. And i would rather commit suicide than do that.


My friends aren't helping. Other dating sites aren't helping. So this is probably my last ditch effort to get some help...


Thanks for reading, Even if you don't respond


Quinton P. Ward...

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Im 20, i have never had a boyfriend either in my life. I have rejected some guys too and lots of guys that i liked didn't like me either. Maybe there are some girls out there who do like you, but you don't like them back and thats why you don't have a girlfriend. You seem desperate asking out any girl, that turns of women! Instead you should be friendly, but not overbearing, and act like you aren't tyring to hard. Girls don't like guys who try too hard. Just be yourself, things will happen if they are meant to happen. Just ask girls that you actually like out on dates, not just any girl. I think most girls can see right through that. Another thing is that you might ask a girl too soon. If you don't know her well enough, she might not know you well enough and might think you are going too fast. Instead have as many girl friends as possible that way you may get to know them better and so will they. Another thing is that some girls like playing hard to get, so if you really want a girl, seduce her. Write her poetry, make her something like a drawing of herself. Try sweet gestures like this and youll see that the girl of your dreams will fall for you. If that doesn't work, its not your fault it's the girl's loss. Don't stalk the girl either, a guy also needs to know when to give up. You give up too soon, so alll you have to do is be more persistant and fight for what you want. That is very attractive in a guy

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Are you 17? Try being 27 years of being single -- or 12-13 years of alleged dating eligibility. I wouldn't sweat it it if I were you, you may be a late-comer to the dating scene (by today's standards), but in all likelihood it won't be long until you find someone; that's just statistics. There has to be something very atypical about you in order to still be alone by the time you reach my age.

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