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To Tony, D., and Nina

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I wrote the message "Shocked". Thank you for listening. First, off, yes, he does and probably will always have some un-stable issues he needs to work on. But my concern with him, is how good of a father he is. Which, he has done well. As far as anything else, I disassociate myself from him because I know him and he will never change emotionally.


Now, here is the outcome. When I wrote my post, I had not talk him nor her after he had called me. Well, the next day he called and said he made it all up and didn't know why. When I spoke to her, she was quite angry that he would make something up that involved her. The story was, he tried to pick up on her at a bar and she told him who she was, because she did recognize him and he felt, in her words, "quite stupid" when he realized he tried to pick up my best-friend. So in the end, my best-friend remains my best-friend, as for him, that is why I divorced him.


Thanks for the advice.

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