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Why do ALL women NAG???

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yes; another excellent point. our sloth hurts no one but us - i think it would be different with others, especially children, to worry about.


sorry, to be clear, our house is mostly clean - but we both know we generally hate doing it and we have to make it into a game. i'm in charge of making the weekly 'cleaning CD' <we got the idea from will and grace> and we each take the chores we like the most, rewarded by dinner and movie out. we can do it for fun and for irony, but if we had to do it for obligation it would be awful.


i don't like being constructed as servile to men because it simply does not reflect what's happening. i should have said i also didn't nag my female boarders about the deplorable state of their rooms either; it's just not my business.


so, in short, i don't nag because i've never had to and i don't foresee having to. but i understand the problems with this.

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Originally posted by midori

... to let the garbage sit, let your man "feel respected" -- despite the fact that he hasn't managed to do the thing he said he would do. You can step around the full-to-the-brim garbage can. You can be careful about balancing a few more items on top of it so that the whole thing doesn't tip over.


But when a woman is not only doing her "half" (sometimes more like 80-90%) of the household chores/bill paying/etc, but is also trying to manage a house with children, it's sometimes actually necessary that, yes, the garbage go out sooner rather than later. Because the six year old won't be careful with the garbage. If the garbage sits in its current state for very long, there is likely to be spillage by the kids or the dog. The woman is thinking two steps ahead, and I think that what some men might perceive as "nagging" is actually the result of their own failure to do so.


Here HERE, Midori! You've hit the nail on the head! (For me anyways.)

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