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I am a happily married woman, however, i went to happy hour with some people from work and one of the guys there told me he had a "dream" about me. well, he hit on me really hard and tried to kiss me. since then i have been wondering if i should or shouldn't. i'm so confused. i do love my husband very much. and am afraid of losing everything i have. what should i do. i do work with this guy and see him everyday.

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You shouldn't. If you love your husband as much as you say you do, there's no need to jeopardize everything for a skeezy guy. (If he knows you're married and still hits on you, he's a skeez). Just be friendly and completely normal when he's around, 'cause he's not worth it.

I am a happily married woman, however, i went to happy hour with some people from work and one of the guys there told me he had a "dream" about me. well, he hit on me really hard and tried to kiss me. since then i have been wondering if i should or shouldn't. i'm so confused. i do love my husband very much. and am afraid of losing everything i have. what should i do. i do work with this guy and see him everyday.
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Just because you work with some drunken butthole doesn't obligate you to submit to his kisses or other sexual overtures.


If you value your marriage and are a lady of your word, tell this guy you want to be his colleague but you are happily married and being followed by a private detective with video equipment.


You say you wonder if you should or shouldn't. I don't know if you mean kiss the guy or have an affair with him. The fact that you are confused tells me you are a bit tempted or perhaps flattered. But getting involved with a co-worker opens up so many cans of worms there aren't enough rish to eat them.


Don't get involved with this guy unless you want some REAL problems, not only at work but at home as well.


I thought this was supposed to be Happy Hour. It doesn't sound like it made you so happy.

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I doubt you read my post several weeks ago about my wife & her wandering (I have since removed it). But if you do mess around you will not only ruin your life but also everyone else's that values your marriage. My life is a complete ruin now b/c of my wife & I only wish her ill. SO unless you want to ruin your husband's life you shouldn't even consider this. Lies have nasty way of coming to light at the most inopportune moments. Sorry I'm so bitter, I can't help it.



I am a happily married woman, however, i went to happy hour with some people from work and one of the guys there told me he had a "dream" about me. well, he hit on me really hard and tried to kiss me. since then i have been wondering if i should or shouldn't. i'm so confused. i do love my husband very much. and am afraid of losing everything i have. what should i do. i do work with this guy and see him everyday.
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I can't believe that your marriage is happy if you are even considering this.

I am a happily married woman, however, i went to happy hour with some people from work and one of the guys there told me he had a "dream" about me. well, he hit on me really hard and tried to kiss me. since then i have been wondering if i should or shouldn't. i'm so confused. i do love my husband very much. and am afraid of losing everything i have. what should i do. i do work with this guy and see him everyday.
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