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Recently found out financee lied/unfaithful


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I guess I dont get the joke....AGM? I try to think that, its so consuming....me thinking of her losing her favorite thing also equates to me losing mine. Wow, I just got it...the joke that is....I just dont know what to do about the pregnancy thing either, I already have 1 child with a mom Im obviously not with, if I do leave her, that would be 2....say I do meet someone else a long time from now, god I would hate to think multiple kids with 3 different moms, its already gonna 2 without a doubt. This is so terrible, I do deserve not to be treated this way, but it is her, but she did cheat, any option seems hopelessly crazy.


Its confession time for me I have 3 children, two marriages and a 10 year relationship(just ended) behind me


My children are by the last relationship and my first marriage. I amnot ashamed as poo happens. People wont judge you for it. Consentrate on being a great DAD. Nothing else matters. With or without her there is no reason not to get to a place where you get along for the sake of your child.


My parents dispare at my optimism!! I have been cheated on, beaten, emotionally abused and still get up and move on. Admittedly I have had enough of men as I am a "nob magnet" if there is a pratt within a 50 mile ratious he will be attracted to me and so i will marry/live with him!!! hahahah


What ever the out come dont give yourself a hardtime. I would like to know what protection she was taking or you were is thats not too personnal?:eek:

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Its confession time for me I have 3 children, two marriages and a 10 year relationship(just ended) behind me


My children are by the last relationship and my first marriage. I amnot ashamed as poo happens. People wont judge you for it. Consentrate on being a great DAD. Nothing else matters. With or without her there is no reason not to get to a place where you get along for the sake of your child.


My parents dispare at my optimism!! I have been cheated on, beaten, emotionally abused and still get up and move on. Admittedly I have had enough of men as I am a "nob magnet" if there is a pratt within a 50 mile ratious he will be attracted to me and so i will marry/live with him!!! hahahah


What ever the out come dont give yourself a hardtime. I would like to know what protection she was taking or you were is thats not too personnal?:eek:



Well, if she was telling the "complete" truth this time, they almost had sex twice....both times she claims were failed because he couldnt keep up his end of the bargain...wow I made a joke. (if its the truth) which sucks cuz thats means she sure would've if he wouldve remained ready to go. She hasnt been on birth control for some time now as it "makes her gain weight, become moody, and loose sex drive" I sometimes use a condom, but not all....and then it was the "hurry up and get off method" not the smartest, and I did ask her multiple times to go back on bc, it just never happened, not like it matters now. I feel so anxious even typing such things, its like getting these visuals that are already there come out in full force

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I am glad you can see that she finished it because he couldnt get it up. Not that is exactly what she said but deffo implyed it.


at least you can console yourself he was crap!!! I console myself with the fact my ex was crap in bed and had no idea where my excited bits were!! premature.........oh yes hehehehehehe

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