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Problem revisited

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This is concerning the message I posted earlier, TOny and Lucille responded. OK, I understand, but come one!!!! I am just trying to find out what is she waiting for. Maybe she just wants to tease herself, and then all of a sudden run to me and request sex, I am not an object either....


I have feelings too. Ok then, I dont mind holding it off, cause i love this person, and I was just worried about us not getting the pleasure that we could be. Nothing will change I know, what is she scared of?


Ok, I will then shut my mouth about it, and lets see if she brings it up, do you guys think she will give me some kind of a hint or a signal, cause I aint bringing it up again, i dont want her to think that I just want sex.....


I can hold,,,,,I can handle it,,,lets see if she can handle it....I just dont like when people play by the rules, not out of the heart


feedback needed!

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This love stuff doesn't happen exactly the way we want it to. Often it doesn't happen remotely like we want it to. You can't control other people, their actions or feelings.


Your idea of stepping back and letting things just happen is good. You have got to use your own keen intuitive sense of timing here.


You also have to understand if this babe doesn't come around, there are millions of others.

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