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What is his problem?

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We were together for 6 months and everything was perfect, like a movie love. I started like him from the start, not that he was looking too good, it was more because of the way he was misterious and compimented me. But, we went into a relationship after he told me he loves me.

We spent most of the time together and he was really sweet, but at times loooking at his ex's girls or just girls he was saying are sexy, I thought I am not his type of a girl.

One day I went to a Weekend out of the city and when I came back he said he needs a break. He said he is devastated cause of the life problems but he still loves me. But he needs some time so he thinks about what he wants.

One week later, after I realized all the facts and things I told him we should end it and stay friends as we were at the start.He said ok. I told him maybe what happened its just connection or loneliness that brought us together and we shouldnt hate each other after it.

However , whenever I met him I tried to talk with him but he acted like its too awkward to talk to me.

2 nights we ended together at his place but it wasnt more than sex.

In the meantime he admited while he was seeing me he had 3 times sex with his ex, which didnt hurt me too much, but I always find her unattractive and unsecure and didnt see her as a problem I should think about.

After those two nights my every effort to talk to him was like talking to myself. He was joking and talking but he wasnt the same. In the same time I heard that he is a very good friend with his ex now, and that caused me really big pain, especially cause of my opinion about her.And the way I believed he doesnt even wants to be my friend anymore.

A week ago I sent him an angry message and he replied he is surprised I do this and asked me where this came from.

In same time, without I ask that, my friend attacked him on msn and he sent me message assking what is going on, why did I became so angry and crazy and what did he do.

Today, in a talk he told me that he still finds me ****ing sexy and he wishes my pics on fb arent so sexy. I was surprised he said it. And I believe he said it cause he doesnt want insults and fights.

What do you think about all this?

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