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Just Curious

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This is something that has only been a slight problem for me, but I don't think I'm alone with it and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on it for me. Why would I, as a straight woman, always be attracted to gay guys? Part of the reason I know is that I sometimes can't tell, but why does that happen and does anyone know how I would be able to tell that a guy's gay in the future? I've had one awkward experience with this, and I really don't want it to happen again.

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I've never had the problem of being attracted to gay men, but the one sure way I know that a guy is gay is that he doesn't "look" at me the way a straight guy does. There's a very noticeable lack of yin-yang energy there.

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There are a number of reasons women fall for gay guys. Before I go further, I am NOT gay.


1. Many gar men are very attractive. They have to be to attract other guys.


2. They often relate to women emotionally in ways that men are unable to and, at the same time, do not reveal their sexual preference.


I once had a friend who owned a very large and popular restaurant. I took many friends their, including lady friends. My lady friends would often ask me to find out the status of a particularly gorgeous male waiter. Almost invariably, my inquiry turned up the waiter was gay.


There are many gay men who are very obviously gay and while you may find them physically appealling, I doubt you would be "attracted" to them. But those who are not obviously homosexual...the late Rock Hudson comes to mind...you might be very attracted to.


You may be very sensitive to that female vibration and you may long to find a heterosexual man who can understand you or have the desire to understand you more than the men you've been running into. I think we are moving some steps in that direction but men will be men and many of them think it's too macho to reveal more of their feminine side.


If you want to see the truly emotional side of a man, watch him when you break up with him. That's when it usually comes out, if at all.


As an aside, I know that many of my lady friends enjoy the exchange of conversation with their gay hairdressers. I think it's the novelty of having a man around who can or really wants to try to address a woman's deep emotional needs and talk about when women like to talk about.


To answer your question, if you wonder about a man's sexual preferences offer him two magazines, Playboy and a Muscle Magazine and observe which one he spends the most time looking at the pictures of.

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