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How do you stop an unwanted feeling?


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Ughhh irritated!


Is it possible to like someone even though you really REALLY dont want to like them???

Im not even sure if i like this guy. Ive written about him here since last year, we've been friends forever and I wasnt aware of me having feelings for him at all until last year. Even then, after I started dating my now ex I figured I was just lonely and so thats why i thougth i had feelings for this fool. Yet i was always so nervous to even go out to dinner with him. I excused it as him giving me weird vibes (which he does, which adds to the eekiness of it all) and me being uncomfortable about it given that I was in a relationship.


In any event, I want to get rid of this weird uncomfortable feelings and Im not sure where to begin...anyone has any suggestions?

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Sounds like you are trying to swim upstream, against the current. Why do you not want to like this person? Any specific reason?


Honestly, the only way I can think of is to sever all contact with them. If you are not around them, then you can move on. If they stay in your life, so do the feelings. I have yet to hear one success story of someone getting over their feelings for a person with that person still an integral part of their life.

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Well we've been really close friends for the past five years. He was one of my past ex's roommate and we became friends when my ex dumped me. This guys has always been super supportive of me in pretty much any mess i get myself in. I remember this one time his roommate called me a whore while we were drinking and he jokingly chimmed in. I was drunk and furious so I threw a plastic bottle at my ex and ran out crying and livid. My friend chased me down and when he caught up with me he just hugged me and consoled me, even told me my ex was just bitter that our relationship ended. In any case, he's always been like that.


Last year another ex cheated on me. Before this my friend who at the time was living in another city had been saying things that made me wonder if he liked me. WHen i told him my relationship was over he told me he was moving back to my city. Long story short he again supported me through the break up. Unfortunately it started feeling like it was more than a friendship and ended up in us hooking up (no sex) one drunken night.


That made me wonder if i had feelings for him, but then I think about how I know him soooo well that there are things about him I just dont like. Like...he loves "perfect" girls and girls that dont fit that he criticizes like crazy, even though he did fall for a girl way out of his norm for a while. Then he cheated on his ex once...ofcourse he told me...and then told her. I just cant handle a cheater. Then....he is always jumping from relationship to relationship, he cant ever be by himself.

I dont know I think I am just attracted to him but i dont like him... I actually broke off our friendship for a while. I really regreted it.....and after a while he forgave me.


In any case, I just now ended up hooking him up with another friend of mine. At least when he is entertained he stops saying weird stuff to me. Its so weird, Like one side of me wants to be with him, the other wants to run for the hills...


Still, i mentioned how one of my friend's friend is really good looking and he answered with "really? why are you telling me that?" so i said i was just sharing and he said "oh great, thanks a lot" I was kinda shocked by that response.....later he said he had been kidding


ughhh irritating

Edited by 4givrnt4gtr
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In any case....it was easier than I thought. All i had to do was spend more time with him to remember why is it that he is just a friend.


Long story short, he has the depth of a puddle and the sensitivity of a shark.


Dont get me wrong, he is a good friend and I love him, and very attractive, but after I told him a story about something admitedly silly but that it was a bit shocking to me, all i got from him was teasing. It actually made me miss my ex a whole lot which killed my evening cuz i know he would have understood what I was talking about but at the same time it made me realize im just lonely and those "feelings" i thought i had for my friends is just me wanting company.


So yeah. Sometimes loneliness can play sooo many tricks on you

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