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Being the best person you can be


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I get so tired of reading depressing posts from people who have no confidence in themselves as far as relationships are concerned. That irritates me to no end. For godsake, people... FIND ANOTHER WAY TO IMPROVE YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE!!! Take a couple of classes! Turn your hobby into a business! Until that special person picks you, it has to be about pleasing YOURSELF. You can't waste time being in love with that empty space in your heart. You cannot love an absence.


I'll admit straight out that I used to be a mama's boy until I was 40. I bummed around for all that time. But guess what? When the big event happened, I inherited a house... and since then, I didn't feel sorry for myself, I improved my quality of life! I turned 2 of my hobbies into businesses which pay well, I've written 2 novels, I learned how to invest money and play the stock market, and I won a dispute against some powerful people who were threatening to rob me blind and throw me out of my house. You other guys who read this, trust me... any man who can't wash his own dishes is a wimp.


So... I know that when my retirement comes, I won't have any reason to feel negative. I don't let it bother me that I'm not getting any action, because I improved my quality of life and I know how to take care of it. If that makes me any more or less a hunk, well then I don't really waste time worrying about it. Whatever single women might think of me, if they're not serious about wanting to build a life with a man who knows how to be happy, well then their opinion of me matters about as much as a pimple on the face of the moon. Any woman who thinks I'm interesting is free to approach me and make the first move whenever she's ready to put her cards on the table.

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I agree that at a certain point we have to take responsibility for our own lives and create the future we want. It doesn't work any other way.

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You don't wait for someone to pick you. You pick them. If you wait, you will find yourself waiting for your entire life.


Their loss, not mine.:laugh:

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Boundary Problem
You don't wait for someone to pick you. You pick them. If you wait, you will find yourself waiting for your entire life.



You have to make it happen for yourself. I vote for going out and picking the person, assuming they are available.


Why leave your future up to fate? Why not build the future you want, on your own terms.


I gave up on 'fate' a long time ago. I'm not a very patient person.


I feel much better when I'm taking active steps to build the foundations of what I want, rather than waiting to be 'discovered' by some pain-in-the-ass guy that I'm not attracted to in the first place.


I haven't been on a date in a long time, but the last one I went on the guy was talking about all his money problems. Sort of made me wonder if he was going to ask me for a loan at the end of the night. That is what happens when I let the guy pick me. Yawn.

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