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Is he cheating

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I love my boyfriend to death but I wonder sometimes is he cheating on me. I want us to be together but I just dont wont to be hurt. When I ask him he always says no but its the fact I'm not with him all the time so I dont know what he is doing. I dont know why I feel like this. There are only times when I trust him.

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I completely understand and if I knew the answer I'd tell you...but for some reason, today, I'm finding it hard to give advice.


I'm going through something similar. Only after our "1 week break-up" he decided he needed his space. Not that he doens't love me or whatnot.


Just recently, over thanksgiving, he lied to me about his wereabouts, we talked about it, and I got some crap bout wanting to see me, just not the first thing when he got home from his 4 hour trip seeing his family. He never had a problem with this before.


Am I concerned he's cheating on me...everyday. Am I afraid we won't be together forever because of his new found "space"....everyday.


Hope you find your answer soon!



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If there is nothing to base your fears on...then why are you constantly asking him?


It would be like living at home and everytime you walked in the door....your mother asked you the same question....day after day. After awhile, you'd become angry at the accusiation with no bases?


Love is ALWAYS a risk. Sometimes it pans out....sometimes it doesn't. If you keep bugging him though...there is a good chance yours won't.


Chill out and trust him a little......

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I totally understand where you're coming from. I struggle with thinking that my boyfriend is cheating sometimes, but I've found that part of it is because I blow things way out of proportion. Deep down I know he wouldn't cheat on me, but sometimes I go crazy when I start telling myself things like "Maybe he's out with her" or "I'll bet he calls her all the time".


Speaking from past experiance I've found that it's pretty normal to have feelings of suspicion at the beginning of a serious relationship because you're still afraid you might get kicked to the curb.


However, if there are no tale tale sighns then it's going to require a little faith and time for that trust to fully develope. If you do what I do and start taunting yourself with suspicious thoughts then find something to occupy your time.


It won't do you any good to sit around and worry. Also, realize that the guy is going to have a life and he's going to want to go out and be with his buddies. Don't try to tie him down. Just relax a little. Good Luck!

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