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How important is a womans naked body to men?


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I am reading lots of posts about womens hang ups with their bodies and would like to know what men really think


Every single girl I know how certain issues with their bodies including me


My friend is obsessed with her cellulite and my other friend is obsessed with her boobs, another her fat vagina and I am sooo worried about my stretch marks after having my son


Now I have to say that every guy I have slept with has never had a problem with my stretchmarks but yet they make me feel sick.


so guys, what do you think? would a girls imperfect body turn you off?

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I would really hope that most men wouldn't care..That they are just turned on and aren't looking for imperfections.. And aren't bothered by it.


When you think about it, noone's body is perfect!


Wonder if men have thoughts or concerns about their body image too..Probably not as much as women do.

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I hope so too WWIU, I have dated guys with not great bodies and if I like the guy it does not bother me yet I still have hangups! Like most of us I guess

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There are some things about my own body that I dislike, but which guys either don't notice or actually like. I hate my huge bottom, but pretty much every guy I've dated (and some I haven't dated!) have said they love it. Not just to make me feel better either - even when I haven't mentioned that I hate my bottom, guys still grab it and say how much they love it. I guess guys have a different idea of what's sexy! I wish I was a stick thin model, but apparently guys prefer me with a curvy ass, so go figure...

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Where you either see the two faces staring at each other, or a vase - see link below. Where the women just see the flaws, us guys just see all the good stuff. A guy might notice your stretch marks - but then he shrugs and looks at you in totality and says - she is hot. And he means it.


My wife has stretch marks - so what. Grey hair now - well at least when she hasn't colored it in a while - so what. Wrinkles around her eyes - she is 47 of course she has wrinkles around her eyes. Last night she asked me if she should get a boob lift - LOL - I just said - are you crazy....








I am reading lots of posts about womens hang ups with their bodies and would like to know what men really think


Every single girl I know how certain issues with their bodies including me


My friend is obsessed with her cellulite and my other friend is obsessed with her boobs, another her fat vagina and I am sooo worried about my stretch marks after having my son


Now I have to say that every guy I have slept with has never had a problem with my stretchmarks but yet they make me feel sick.


so guys, what do you think? would a girls imperfect body turn you off?

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its just the fact being naked with the person you love or like is what i like...if that makes sences...haveing a nice body or nice features is just a plus...lol a great plus

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Of course we do.


No one ever wants to face the truth. Men or women


Everything matters, just everything has various levels of importance. Everyone makes comprimises initially, and over time those things just dont matter any more or nearly as much.


I dated one girl over several years that fit in those stretchy "in a bottle" dresses and looked f'ing perfect filling it out. Years later she put on some weight, nothing dramatic, but say 20-30lbs on a short frame (5/4ft). Truthfully she was never any less beautiful to my eyes. She carried it well


Im sure its the same for women as well, or so many pot bellied guys wouldnt be in relationships.


And anyway the weirdest things can attract you to someone.


Finally the older you get, and it isnt because of settling, you begin to realize there are minimum levels of attractiveness you need, and more no longer equates to better. The rest is way more important.

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There are some things about my own body that I dislike, but which guys either don't notice or actually like. I hate my huge bottom, but pretty much every guy I've dated (and some I haven't dated!) have said they love it. Not just to make me feel better either - even when I haven't mentioned that I hate my bottom, guys still grab it and say how much they love it. I guess guys have a different idea of what's sexy! I wish I was a stick thin model, but apparently guys prefer me with a curvy ass, so go figure...





Every girl wants to be a stick figure. Yet I know so very few guys who actually like that look on a girl. Youre all way mroe into impressing each other than guys lol.


Bony butts on a girl = gross. And if your ribs are popping.....like dating a holocost survivor, suually one with big plastic breasts to make it look even weirder

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I have a lot of strech marks from loosing too much weight and then putting much of it back on. One girl was bothered by it and the others didn't care, but it bothers me. My brother always points out my strech marks. It gets old pretty fast.


Most of the women I have had sex with didn't have so many stretch marks. Some had small boobs, and I mean they were FLAT. Didn't matter. I think if a guy wants to have sex with you it means they are more than willing to overlook any imperfection, but always look at a guys face/eyes when they see naked. You'll know how they really feel.

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I will admit this though. Its shallow I know, but I cant help it.


I cant date a woman who has an (in my eyes) ugly vagina. I think because to me so much of my arousal is tied to it.


I have issues:(

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I think women in general are a lot more 'harsher' about their body and even other women's body... we are like that..


Men .. not so much.. they, most of the time, won't even notice the 'issues' women have.. they just see 'boobs' and 'butt'... :laugh:


I am just starting to have some issues with my body.. haven't had any for years.. in fact, from 45 to 53 I had the perfect body.. and I mean 'perfect' big boobs, nice butt, nice legs.. small waist.. it has started to go downward for the last 4 years.. it's still very nice considering my age..I am still very proud of my body... I'm blessed with good genes.. nobody believe my age.. but I know it will eventually be an 'old' body.. like everybody else.. there is absolutely nothing we can do about that.. but I find that the older I get.. it bothers me less and less, we have to accept the fact of life..

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so guys, what do you think? would a girls imperfect body turn you off?


First of all, I would say a woman's naked body is VERY important to men. However, you may be surprised as to what different men's tastes are. I think women are actually far more critical of their own bodies than men are.

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what makes a vagina ugly? I think they are all ugly and not many look like the pornstar vaginas ... or do they?

Is there such a thing as a pornstar vagina?


I saw a documentary not too long ago about what some people perceived as being the perfect vagina (basically the absence of the inner labia). I wasn't the least bit impressed with these so-called vagina's and I certainly hope that this concept doesn't become a trend.


Anyways, the most unattractive thang of all is a person who's totally insecure about their bod.



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what makes a vagina ugly? I think they are all ugly and not many look like the pornstar vaginas ... or do they?



LOL @ Carhill. I knew I shouldnt of saidf anything:)


I cant help it though, its like dating a bearded lady, I just wouldnt be attracted lol. No it isnt a hair thing, but just by way of comparison.


And no they arent ugly, but then I think a penis is weird looking, so its probably part of our make up. I think part of it is you know how much pleasure it can bring you that adds to the attraction. But I find it to be one of the most beautiful parts of a womans body, and defintiely one of the most arousing.


Obvious turn offs are piercings and tats. Its like spray painting the Cistine Chapel. Why would anyone do such a thing!!!!


Theres no one thing I like, so I really cant say what it is. Just when I dont like it I dont like it lol.


But for example really thin ones, with almost no lips, that just kind of look like a hole in the body.....I mean truthfully most girls are fine.


But Im also real attracted to women with nice full lips. (facial) I think its tied somehow. Doesnt have to be Aneglina Jolie type lips, but they are really nice. And kissing girls with really thin lips is like ehh. With further thought, I dont think Ive ever even dated a girl with thin lips.


Weird I know

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Boundary Problem

It is interesting to me that the topic is a woman's naked body and what parts e.g cellulite might be a problem.



And the whole thread turns into a discussion about vaginas.



Forget what was said. The word count alone tells me everything about what really fascinates men.

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Ruby Slippers
I wasn't the least bit impressed with these so-called vagina's and I certainly hope that this concept doesn't become a trend.

:lmao: Instant classic.

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It is interesting to me that the topic is a woman's naked body and what parts e.g cellulite might be a problem.



And the whole thread turns into a discussion about vaginas.



Forget what was said. The word count alone tells me everything about what really fascinates men.



LOL its a part of the body:D


Is it all that different from boobs or a butt?


Anyway, Ive never been much of a boob guy.

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Ruby Slippers
Anyway, Ive never been much of a boob guy.

My ex totally turned me on one day when I asked him whether he was more into boobs or butt. His response? "I'm more into pussy."



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My ex totally turned me on one day when I asked him whether he was more into boobs or butt. His response? "I'm more into pussy."




I had an ex who used to walk around my house or her apt in these tight fitting girl shorts that would totally outline those curves




She would drive me insane.

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A woman's naked body is very important. However...perfection...not so important. What is sexy is when a woman is confident in her own skin. I myself prefer a woman with some curves. Funny thing is most of these women have always hidden their voluptuous butt in jeans made to conceal the full shape, so when they take off their pants and see my face they are always surprised.


I do not look like a fitness model. I am in good shape and am confident...I expect the same from a partner.


Besides, once I am in love, my beloved is truly a vision...from every stretch mark to every sag.

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Obvious turn offs are piercings and tats. Its like spray painting the Cistine Chapel. Why would anyone do such a thing!!!!


It's obvious, eh? I am a heavily tattooed woman. I started getting tattooed when I was 23, in an effort to overcome my own body hatred issues. I'd struggled with an eating disorder for a decade at that point, and I was searching for something that would help me feel comfortable in my own skin -- starving and overexercising weren't doing it. When I met my best friend, an incredible artist whose tattoos are as intricate and beautiful as her oil paintings, we started a journey together that has mostly healed my body image issues. It's not like "spray painting" anything; it's more like the detailed, loving artistry of the Sistine (correct spelling) Chapel as it currently exists. The same kind of care and passion has gone into it -- it took 103 hours, over the course of three years, to finish my right arm alone.


Getting tattooed has saved me. I am FAR more confident in my body now than I was when I was starving it and freaking out about it all the time, and I feel that makes me much more attractive than I was back then. I certainly feel much freer and laugh a lot more, and now I'm not one of those chicks who goes on a date and just orders a salad!


Sometimes there is much, much more to things than meets the eye.

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