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How important is a womans naked body to men?


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I'm being to harsh here. You are trying to be constructive and reach a consensus, which is rare. I appreciate that. I'm not overly concerned with people's feelings, but I don't go out of my way to step on them (unlike crunchy looking leaves).

You're are not at all concenred with people's feelings. :rolleyes:

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I think it has to do with how men feel about the woman. It is funny how when we love someone the imperfections become cute or what makes that person unique.


So, I think what we find revolting in the mirror our man is just thinking "Oh baby, bring it on" LOL. Honestly I think our insecurities come from knowing men are visual creatures, but what we forget is that they do not expect the visual to be perfect. They find us sexy anyway!


Honestly, I think we do not give men enough credit. In many respects I think they are more forgiving than most women when it comes to physical imperfections. :cool:

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I will give some great advice to all the women on the board.


Forget about all that stretch mark, wrinkles, short legs, flat chest, blah blah blah crap. Men are visual creatures and they love to look at women who keep fit. You don't have to look like barbie. A few workouts a week, stop drinking soda (diet and regular) and most women are there in a few months. Very few men care about physical imperfections in a wife/girlfriend, but we love-love-love-love to look at fit women. Fit is different for every women, don't think skinny. Forget about all that other crap and just do a few workouts a week, drink lots of water, and 90% of men will want to see you naked every chance they can.

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throwing out the number of females you've messed around with is completely beside the point (unless youre posting in a thread which follows accordingly, which you did - big surprise - and named a different number in there). Get over yourself.
I caught that too. 70 in this one, 60 in the other thread! :laugh:


I don't have a problem with people who have personal preferences when it comes to attraction. We all have them.


I just don't like the bitterness and the deliberate attempts to stomp on women.


On the otherhand, we're all responsible for letting things get to us or not. As I've stated previously, men who want the perfect body in women, are usually compensating for their own imperfections.

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What is important is how a woman feels about HER naked body.


I've dated various shapes and sizes of women, from very petite zeroes to larger girls who are 12-14 or got that big over the course of college. All were sexy if they felt sexy and kept their energy going. If a woman becomes downtrodden over her appearance, no amount of convincing from a man can fix that.


I know girls who were "perfect" in my eyes who felt horrible about their bodies, and those who were perfect in my eyes and also felt ok about their bodies. THE biggest thing is...you cannot be focused on pleasure, on the moment, on intimacy if your mind is elsewhere. A person just does not operate with full potential if they attempt to focus on more than 1 thing.




I have odd quirks, and most women will come to realize all men do, and so they should carry themselves with an air of confidence and embrace their uniqueness. NO guy wants a perfect model. Perfect is definately boring.


I love stretch marks, particularly on butts, and thighs.

I think pregnant women are hot. I cannot wait to have a wife and kids.

I love all sizes of nipples.

I revel in the obscene. If a girl has a butt too large for her body, insanely large boobs, or large nipples, I head over heals.

I love thighs. I think beautiful soft thighs are wonderful. Skirts enhance this quite well.


We love women because they are the polar opposite of us. Our bodies are simple utility, hairy, sharp, often massive.

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Our bodies are simple utility, hairy, sharp, often massive.
Vive la difference! Male bodies are amazing, especially the contrast between curves to hard angles, smooth to rough! :)
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Throne Of Lies

I think 'my number' is relevant because it shows what I consider to be a decent standard is not unattainable. If some rangy 24 year old can find 60 or 70 of them in his alcohol soaked late teens and early twenties, it means that they aren't incredibly scarce. And yes, the numbers are different for me, because they are referencing different things. There are partners that you had contact with but no sex, contact being relevant in this thread, actual sex in the other. Which, brainiacs, means that in 7 years, I have walked out on around 10 people. 10. 1/7th. It's not like the streets are running red with emotional blood.


I think the lie here is that people want that standard to be far loftier than it really is, then they can act like it is unattainable, and that anyone who holds people to it is being unrealistic. Hell, I've had the exact same thing happen to me once, and I didn't cry or go vent my spleen about it. I just got my crap and left. Then went to the hotel lobby across the street and stole bacon from their continental breakfast thing. Mmmmm bacon.

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I've seen stretch marks, cellulite, a lot of "extra padding", saggy boobs, ugly pussies, hairy pussies you name it...


I can say that, superficially speaking, I prefer a pretty pussy, a really nice ass, has to be nice n cushy. Boobs, they have to have character, matching nipples and aereolas if you know what I mean.


My current gf has a few stretch marks on her thighs, B cups, a little belly and the best ass I've ever felt in my life. Of course she hates her ass and wants to lose her little belly both of which I think are the sexiest parts of her body.



So, thats all the superficial stuff.


In reality, does a lot of that matter to me, not really at all...tho I probably couldn't handle being with a really skinny girl...by that I mean 130 pounds or less most likely, they just don't have enough padding for me.



Oh and for the guys, you'd be surprised at how much your girl ACTUALLY weighs. Though most women it's like selling their soul to the devil to divulge such information to a man. Your "average" skinny girl probably runs about 110-120 pounds. A "nice" looking girl with a bit of an ass and such is going 130-140. A lot of good looking girls are 130-160. In my opinion.



Go ahead and chastise me now...


That's your own definition of nice looking. The majority of guys, I've found, prefer thinner women than you do.

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Vive la difference! Male bodies are amazing, especially the contrast between curves to hard angles, smooth to rough! :)


I'm glad you think this way. Many women do. Though, I have met a few who told me they thought men's bodies were ugly and unattractive, not very nice looking, ect. :rolleyes:










That is, until I took my shirt off. Haha!

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23-year-old male here.


My honest answer:


I prefer boobs to no boobs. Boobs don't have to be huge... just present, you know? But stretch marks? Cellulite? I don't care. I'd generally prefer someone to be reasonably in shape though. By this I don't mean super well-toned/muscular, just obviously not absurdly fat (lifestyle choice though, really. I've dated an overweight woman before and our attitudes just did not match). I believe in making an effort to take care of yourself. This is different from making an effort to be flawless.


Honestly, I tend to find little imperfections and quirks cute. It feels more "human" to me, and I always enjoy the intimacy that comes with being accepting/even loving of each others' little flaws. It's endearing, in a way.


It's really hot when a girl is initially a bit reserved or shy about some flaw on her body -- when they realize I don't care, it's so sexy to just see them let themselves go and not worry anymore.

Edited by Vertex
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Can someone please tell me what a distended vagina and pepperoni nips are?





Well, technically Pepperoni Nipples are very large areolas, not the nipple itself, though typically a Pepperoni Nipple is referring to a woman who has huge areolas and generally no nipple or at least no erect nipple. Often a lot of porn star types with large fake breasts end up with pepperonis because their skin is pulled so tight over their boob.


I generally think they're gross but thats just me.




The distended vagina, I am not knowledgeable on but would guess it means really large lips or something to that affect?

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Well this was my experience with my boyfriend. After having it drilled into me that being skinny was the greatest thing since sliced bread for a woman, I seemingly kept my body in shape (in other words I wasn't packing the pounds although I rarely exercised). Then when I came home from college over the summer, that good southern cooking got to me and I started to gain a lil weight, mostly in my tummy area. So one day while talking to my boyfriend whom I was just seeing at the time, I complained about my weight gain and said I should go on a diet. To my surprise he laughed and told me that he liked me better with a little stomach on me since he thought it was cute. And then the other day he told me to wear jeans instead of a dress, since he thought I was way hotter when I dressed simpler and more casually. So I guess for a guy beauty is different than what it is for us women.

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I'm a sucker for a pretty face myself. At least that's what I always look at when I was in the market.


A pretty face + a confident demeanor in whatever body she packs (within reason) = great combo.

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Have been in the situation Throne of Lies describes a few times in life, tried to do the honorable thing and complete the act, couldn't perform. Woman knows exactly what's up despite my mea culpas and feels far worse than if I had just bowed out with an excuse, plus I look like some gimp with ED to boot.


The way he describes is really the kinder way. As another person mentions, moderate daily aerobic exercise for a couple of months will almost insure this kind of thing never arises. People would rather gripe than take action though.


I'm 20 pounds OW due to a rather incapacitating injury and simultaneously quitting smoking (2 months quit now yeehaa, hardly have cravings any more). Am I going to go out and expect women to "accept me as I am?" Hell No, I will bust my ass and get back in top shape before Spring. Why should I expect attractive women to accept me if I'm not in my best shape? I expect them to be in shape and they have the right to expect the same of me. All too often, this logic seems to get lost somewhere on certain women (people generally) who can't quite connect the dots and face the facts. Just because some desperate guy will bang you when you're fat and out of shape doesn't make it ok to expect physical fitness in a mate without delivering same.

Edited by meerkat stew
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Just because some desperate guy will bang you when you're fat and out of shape doesn't make it ok


I agree. Some women just don't care about their fitness. They just want to be accepted as overweight so they don't have to put the effort in. They only do so when their partner tells them they need to, they have no desire to do it for themselves. Some women are just ok with being slobs, because somewhere some loser will settle for them eventually.


It's akin to a man not putting in the effort on his finances. In fact I can re-translate what I just said for men... watch:


I agree Some men just don't care about their education. They just want to be accepted as mediocre-income so they don't have to put the effort in. They only do so when their girlfriend convinces them to go back to school, they have no desire to do it for themselves. Some guys are just ok with being losers, because somewhere some slob will settle for them eventually.


Funny isn't it?

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Also wanted to mention one other situation that has come up a couple of times, and that's where a woman has an extremely nice naked body, but something prevents the machinery from firing, and I'm not talking about ED or being drunk.


2 times in life, I have dated women who just being with them gave me a woody. Yet when the clothes would come off, despite the fact that both these women had incredible bodies, the machinery didn't want to operate for some reason. Later, I read about how this can happen with people with pheromones that are too close, signifying the pheromonal equivalent of incest. Don't know if that was the case with either of these women, but something was up, as we were definitely infatuated with each other and raring to go otherwise.


I know it wasn't ED because with one of the women, we were both seeing others, and the equipment worked just fine with a woman who I found less attractive.


So the point is that if a man has physical reservations about a woman, it may have nothing to do with his visual attraction level or estimation of her naked body, or feelings for her, but with some unknowable brain/pheromone type rejection, which though embarrassing to both, shouldn't be taken personally.

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Buckeye Candy

I like my women to have some meat and a jiggly butt, along with cellulite, is very womanly to me. I'm not turned on by rock hard abs and asses because it seems masculine or like a teenager and I like filled out women.


Stretch marks and all that are fine too (I have stretch marks).


I may turn to look at the long hair, tight body in heels and a skirt but who wouldn't? When it comes to the bedroom, I'm only really attracted to the woman I love and over the years that woman has come in a variety of sizes.

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What you mean like when he drops his pants you laugh uncontrollably smacking your knee and pointing with your other hand as you proceed to put all your clothes back on?


Uhhhhhhhhh, no...



This has no mention of, or nothing to do with "insecurities".

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