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confused about guys...

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would you ever fool around or have sex w/ somebody that you personally didn't find attractive..i know it might be a stupid question but i mean doesn't being attractive to another person kinda qualify that you want to sleep w/ them? and what's the deal with guys and sex?..like, yea i suppose they would do it with anyone that was throwing themselves at him but do you think they would have sex..and especially w a girl that they told they weren't attracted to andask that girl to do it w/ them...does anybody think that's weird?

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would you ever fool around or have sex w/ somebody that you personally didn't find attractive


No, I wouldn't. But maybe you're seeking the opinion of some of the more sexually liberal people. I wouldn't have sex with someone that I'm not in love with, but there are plenty of guys just going around looking for some, ehem, dicklay.

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It's NOT weird Lilly...it's the norm. Before MOST guys have sex with a girl, often times 'availability' shadows 'attractiveness and compatibility'. In their defense though, SOME women do the same thing when they want a date to the prom, or someone to take them to a party on Friday night or when they are ready to get married.


In between all that....MOST people DO find real love....at least once.

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You asked several questions. The last one is 'does anybody think that's weird?'


Answer: No.


Men want a receptacle. If they're really horny, they aren't going to bother much about the attractiveness of the receptacle. They'll just keep the lights off.


(and yes, this is a generalization, however we are talking about men who sleep with anybody here)

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can someone shed some light on if a man is horny then why does he need to "use" a person to have sex when he could just use his hand?...



Great question and as you see the fine minds here are digesting it.....hmmm?.


Maybe because after sex his hand can't tell him he's the best without him being a ventriloquist?

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Originally posted by Skittles


Maybe because after sex his hand can't tell him he's the best without him being a ventriloquist?


hahaha Skittles....at least hands don't have to fake it!

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Not that I'm anyone to speak, but one has total control over their own hand--speed, rythm, position.

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one has total control over their own hand--speed, rythm, position.


And that would be a bad thing because....?

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the way i have heard it explained it's primarily a physical need, but a mental need for conquest as well. they know they could get exercise at home on the treadmill, but they would rather get the same exercise climbing a nearby rock face.

i'm not saying i agree with this - it's simply an way to explain the desire to go out as well as how devoid of emotion they view the act.

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And that would be a bad thing because....?


I wasn't portraying it as a bad thing, "sex is great, it's just not the real thing" :p

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