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How to get an asian girl?


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Well, for the longest time I've been soooo attracted to Asian girls and I have no clue. I am at a university where there are herds of Asian girls and I have no clue how to confront them because they are mostly exchange students. They always seem to be walking in a pre-destined route and dont really look anywhere but straight. Culture thing?


How would a white guy approach an asian girl? I have no problem with any other races doing this, just asians and need advice.

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I think that when you finally release your focus from Asian girls to meeting a great lady who is very good for you that the right person will come into your life. The world is not the dog pound, where you walk up and down the aisle looking for Collies or Beagles.


Asian women are no different from any other women...and women can tell a guy like you a mile away. If one senses, AND I PROMISE YOU THEY DO, that you are closing in on them because they are Asian, you won't have a chance in hell with them.

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I guess I didn't answer the question posed. As it is a pet peeve of mine when people don't do that I will answer.


I have dated a few Asian women. I found no difference in my approach to them, as I did in my approach to any other woman.


Now if there is a language barrier then you will have to deal with that. If there is a cultural barrier you will have to deal with that. If you yourself are a barrier...well...not much you can do there.


Good luck.

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Well, for the longest time I've been soooo attracted to Asian girls and I have no clue. I am at a university where there are herds of Asian girls and I have no clue how to confront them because they are mostly exchange students. They always seem to be walking in a pre-destined route and dont really look anywhere but straight. Culture thing?


How would a white guy approach an asian girl? I have no problem with any other races doing this, just asians and need advice.


Well, marrying within one's "culture" makes sense. It makes marriage a bit easier(but still not easy) to navigate if both share the same value and belief systems-makes it a lot easier to communicate, too..if you think and talk in the same language. Divorce is still a bit of a taboo in the Asian community-that is why many tend to find mates whom they share many things in common with.


Having said that...in this age of globalization and open-mindedness-many people have gone out of their cultures and have found "perfect" partners and many still embrace that possibility. So I would not worry too much about not finding someone because of the culture.


Now, let's touch on the stereotypes:


1) Do you have a college degree? What univ did you go to?

2) Are you a doctor? scientist? lawyer? Banker?

3) Do you like Karaoke?

4) Would you allow the in-laws and other extended family members to stay in your house?

5) What car do you drive?

6) Has anyone in your family ever been in jail?

7) Do you see yourself giving your paycheck to the wife every month?

8) Do you know how to use the chopsticks?

9) Do you think making slurpy sound while eating noodle soup is nasty?

10) What is your favorite Asian food?


So research the "correct" answers to the above...and if you get them right, you are already half way there ;)

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Midnight Rider
Well, for the longest time I've been soooo attracted to Asian girls and I have no clue. I am at a university where there are herds of Asian girls and I have no clue how to confront them because they are mostly exchange students. They always seem to be walking in a pre-destined route and dont really look anywhere but straight. Culture thing?


How would a white guy approach an asian girl? I have no problem with any other races doing this, just asians and need advice.


If they are exchange students, it shouldn't be too hard to get into a relationship with one of them. What I mean is, (in my experiences) I generally find foreign women to be a little less intimidating, mainly because they aren't as selective or picky as western raised women. If you are chasing after hot looking asian babes who are local, forget it unless they find you attractive or you are super cool (take tami-chan's top 10 list as example of that). I know I'll get nailed for that, but IMO it's true. Foreign women visiting this country are attracted to western men for different reasons, not just looks. You would have more chance at success. So, I think you can just go up to one of these exchange students and try to start a conversation. Or maybe get a buddy with similar interests and invite a couple of them out to a local hangout.

Edited by Midnight Rider
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If they are exchange students, it shouldn't be too hard to get into a relationship with one of them. What I mean is, (in my experiences) I generally find foreign women to be a little less intimidating, mainly because they aren't as selective or picky as western raised women. If you are chasing after hot looking asian babes who are local, forget it unless they find you attractive or you are super cool (take tami-chan's top 10 list as example of that). I know I'll get nailed for that, but IMO it's true. Foreign women visiting this country are attracted to western men for different reasons, not just looks. You would have more chance at success. So, I think you can just go up to one of these exchange students and try to start a conversation. Or maybe get a buddy with similar interests and invite a couple of them out to a local hangout.



Ahmmmm..it was a JOKE...ugh, I hate when people don;t get my jokes...sheesh...I guess I will never be a comedian, good thing I have a day job.:p

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Midnight Rider
Ahmmmm..it was a JOKE...ugh, I hate when people don;t get my jokes...sheesh...I guess I will never be a comedian, good thing I have a day job.:p


Ok, hahaha! lol! Good one Tami! :o

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Maybe start by not referring to them as "herds of of Asian girls" and don't think of it as "confronting" them, lol, then just walk up and talk to one, if that doesn't work talk to a different one, I think you'll find they are actually just normal people.

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Do you speak an Asian language? Know anything about the different cultures in Asia? Are there any Chinese/Japanese/Korean/etc. societies at your uni you can join?


As an Asian girl, I promise you, we don't bite :p

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Good luck in your search


Once you find her though, whatever you do, DONT LET HER DRIVE!!


:lmao::lmao::lmao:!!!! jerseyboy, I promised you that was NOT me who made a lane change in the Lincoln tunnel cutting you off...:p!

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:lmao::lmao::lmao:!!!! jerseyboy, I promised you that was NOT me who made a lane change in the Lincoln tunnel cutting you off...:p!



Double Solid Lines Lady!!!



Look it up

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On a more serious note, there's a good chance that if these girls are from traditional families that their families might be putting pressure on them to date only Asian boys. My stepbrother had that problem during his senior year of high school - he and an Asian girl fell for each other, but they had to sneak around because her parents didn't want her dating a white guy.


It seems archaic, I know, but it's just one reason why they might be ignoring you.

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:lmao::lmao::lmao:!!!! jerseyboy, I promised you that was NOT me who made a lane change in the Lincoln tunnel cutting you off...:p!


Especially your car. Made that mistake long ago. First time she took my car for a ride, BOOM! she was ok though!

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Well, for the longest time I've been soooo attracted to Asian girls and I have no clue. I am at a university where there are herds of Asian girls and I have no clue how to confront them because they are mostly exchange students. They always seem to be walking in a pre-destined route and dont really look anywhere but straight. Culture thing?


How would a white guy approach an asian girl? I have no problem with any other races doing this, just asians and need advice.


How traditional Asian are you talking? There are a lot of Americanized Asian girls who might be easier to obtain than the very traditional ones, besides, you probably can't handle the very traditional ones, the culture and family values might be too different.


As for the Americanized Asian girls, you just talk to them like how you talk to other girls.


But if you want to go for traditional ones throw in these few lines and it usually work:


1. "I love my parents and will support in any way and I expect you to do the same with your parents. I will have no problem having in laws live at our house because family is family. And you should not have issues with my parents live at the house in time of need. There IS no retirement home"


Um... that's about it I think. HAHA. Good luck America!

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Well, for the longest time I've been soooo attracted to Asian girls and I have no clue. I am at a university where there are herds of Asian girls and I have no clue how to confront them because they are mostly exchange students. They always seem to be walking in a pre-destined route and dont really look anywhere but straight. Culture thing?


How would a white guy approach an asian girl? I have no problem with any other races doing this, just asians and need advice.


Being white is your greatest asset. I have met many, many asian girls that are attracted to me - I think they find white guys in particular attractive (both traditional and americanized). Of course every girl is different and there are attractive guys of every color, but based on my experience, you already have an edge just because of that, so don't think of it as a barrier.


I'm not sure what the reason is around your fetish, if you can call it that, but I guess everyone likes what they like. Just be yourself and don't think too much about it, treat them like any other girl. Being smart and/or athletic definitely helps. GL in your quest for Lisa Ling.

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Being white is your greatest asset.


I agree on this! If I were to be reincarnated, i'd be a white. Then I can finally marry that Asian girl I always wanted!

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How traditional Asian are you talking? There are a lot of Americanized Asian girls who might be easier to obtain than the very traditional ones, besides, you probably can't handle the very traditional ones, the culture and family values might be too different.


As for the Americanized Asian girls, you just talk to them like how you talk to other girls.


But if you want to go for traditional ones throw in these few lines and it usually work:


1. "I love my parents and will support in any way and I expect you to do the same with your parents. I will have no problem having in laws live at our house because family is family. And you should not have issues with my parents live at the house in time of need. There IS no retirement home"


Um... that's about it I think. HAHA. Good luck America!


LOL. The sad (well, not really sad) thing is, I know exactly what you're talking about.

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I agree on this! If I were to be reincarnated, i'd be a white. Then I can finally marry that Asian girl I always wanted!


And here I thought asian guys dug the dark skinned women! :laugh:

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They always seem to be walking in a pre-destined route and dont really look anywhere but straight. Culture thing? possibly, chasing after guys is not something proper young ladies in a lot of different cultures, including the whole eye contact/touching thing.


other thought is you may be encountering gaggles of grad students, who always seemed to be in a hurry – as if on a mission – when I was a coed.


learning someone's language is always a good ice-breaker. Or, you *could* leave some chocolate under a prepped up box to capture one – girls love love LOVE chocolate ;)

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Use the same approach to getting an asian woman, as you would, any other race. With masking tape, rope and chloroform on a rag.

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