TheLoneSock Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 You've got to be a troll. Herds of Asian girls?? I'm sure they appreciate being compared to livestock. Lmao, wow, he really did say herds. I didn't catch that before. Link to post Share on other sites
TheLoneSock Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 Use the same approach to getting an asian woman, as you would, any other race. With masking tape, rope and chloroform on a rag. Whooaaaaa.... don't give him any ideas. Link to post Share on other sites
Pizzaman81 Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 And here I thought asian guys dug the dark skinned women! I think us Asians find light skinned Asian girls to be much more attractive than darker skinned ones. I know caucasians find the darker skinned ones beautiful. So... if all works right.. we should ALL get our Asian girls with no conflict right?! Link to post Share on other sites
threebyfate Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 Whooaaaaa.... don't give him any ideas.I'm sure this is nothing new to the OP. Link to post Share on other sites
Boundary Problem Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 Use the same approach to getting an asian woman, as you would, any other race. With masking tape, rope and chloroform on a rag. The tape and rope are good. Why the chloroform? Link to post Share on other sites
threebyfate Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 The tape and rope are good. Why the chloroform?The chloroform is used first, so she won't fight you while getting the tape and rope on. It's just a no fuss way to handle your females. Link to post Share on other sites
TheLoneSock Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 I think us Asians find light skinned Asian girls to be much more attractive than darker skinned ones. I know caucasians find the darker skinned ones beautiful. So... if all works right.. we should ALL get our Asian girls with no conflict right?! Oh wow I didn't know that. And god knows there are enough of them to go around. China really knows how to reproduce, they alone have around a billion people, that's about 500 million girls right there! Not even counting all the surrounding countries in the orient. Link to post Share on other sites
TheLoneSock Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 The chloroform is used first, so she won't fight you while getting the tape and rope on. It's just a no fuss way to handle your females. I'm getting the sense that you have experience with this in the bedroom... Link to post Share on other sites
threebyfate Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 I'm getting the sense that you have experience with this in the bedroom...Nah, the chloroform headaches aren't worth it. Link to post Share on other sites
TheLoneSock Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 Nah, the chloroform headaches aren't worth it. I was going to say... that's PROBABLY not good for your little one on the way. Just a guess lol. Link to post Share on other sites
Pizzaman81 Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 Oh wow I didn't know that. And god knows there are enough of them to go around. China really knows how to reproduce, they alone have around a billion people, that's about 500 million girls right there! Not even counting all the surrounding countries in the orient. Wait really you didn't know that? Actually right now in China, there are anti-tanning booths around... some sort (hopefully) safe rays which makes the female's skin lighter and fairer to be more beautiful. We think dark skin signifies working in the field for too long, we like "high class" women from the city from wealthy family and they should all have light skin Welcome to the Asian culture my friend. Link to post Share on other sites
GorillaTheater Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 What's the deal with all these guys wanting Asian chicks?? Haven't any of you read Tami-Chan's posts? Link to post Share on other sites
TheLoneSock Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 Wait really you didn't know that? Actually right now in China, there are anti-tanning booths around... some sort (hopefully) safe rays which makes the female's skin lighter and fairer to be more beautiful. We think dark skin signifies working in the field for too long, we like "high class" women from the city from wealthy family and they should all have light skin Welcome to the Asian culture my friend. Yeah I really didn't know that, that is craaaazy. Not stupid crazy, I just had no idea. It makes sense though. Sort of in the same arena, I have known girls that prefer really soft hands on a guy over the calloused palms of a working man based on the idea that the guy probably does all his own labor (working on vehicles, landscaping, ect.). Grant it, I have met very few girls that prefer this, so it's not the norm, but still in the same boat. Link to post Share on other sites
threebyfate Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 What's the deal with all these guys wanting Asian chicks?? Haven't any of you read Tami-Chan's posts? Spit-take, anyone? Link to post Share on other sites
TheLoneSock Posted November 30, 2009 Share Posted November 30, 2009 Yes, my favorite pick up line is "does this cloth smell like chloroform to you?" Stolen from Family Guy. Link to post Share on other sites
kevin_y Posted December 2, 2009 Share Posted December 2, 2009 Well, for the longest time I've been soooo attracted to Asian girls and I have no clue. I am at a university where there are herds of Asian girls and I have no clue how to confront them because they are mostly exchange students. They always seem to be walking in a pre-destined route and dont really look anywhere but straight. Culture thing? How would a white guy approach an asian girl? I have no problem with any other races doing this, just asians and need advice. Maybe they're just not into you. Are you ugly, geeky, lacking social skills, having low self-esteem, or any combination of the above, or any trait that turns women off in general? I know you said you had no problem getting other girls, but obviously you DO have problem if you can't get Asian girls. Even you are a perfect alpha-male, there are still forces against you. According to this report, the increase of Asian population in the US means Asians are more and more likely to marry one another than outside their races. Excerpt from the article: "Katie Xiao emigrated from China when she was 4 and always thought of herself as Americanized -- until she started dating. Subtle cultural clashes with Caucasian or Latino boyfriends led to unhappy breakups. It made her realize she's more Chinese than she thought. Now she wants to meet a man of Asian descent... The number of [Asian-Americans] marrying outside their race fell from 42 to 33 percent from 1990 to 2000 " This 9% drop in interracial marriages is corroborated by this report. Excerpt: "For the U.S.-born [Asian females], the rate of IR marriage decreased an astounding 9%." Note that the same article also says the rate of IR marriage for U.S.-born Asian MEN is around FOURTY-ONE PERCENT. And the rate of IR marriage for white guys in the US? About 2-3%. I don't have a link to show this, but it's true. Since Asian-Americans are a minority, there are not enough Asian girls for every white guy who wants them. But, of course, there are plenty of white girls for Asian-American guys who want them. Also, Asian-American men and Asians in general have considerable academic and economic successes. You go to any colleges and any tech-heavy regions like Silicon Valley, you'll find a lot of Asians. The national unemployment rate is over 10% but do you know the unemployment rate for Asian-Americans? SEVEN POINT FIVE PERCENT according to this. We all want to believe that love is blind, but we can't deny that greater economic success enables you to marry better. So all of the above may contribute a little bit to your inability to get Asian poontang. Link to post Share on other sites
Yukikazi Posted December 2, 2009 Share Posted December 2, 2009 The chloroform is used first, so she won't fight you while getting the tape and rope on. It's just a no fuss way to handle your females. You guys are overthinking this Just drop a Hello Kitty toy on the ground Link to post Share on other sites
Jaytb Posted December 3, 2009 Share Posted December 3, 2009 OMG! Bold text and capitals! I'm scared! Hold me tight! Link to post Share on other sites
kevin_y Posted December 4, 2009 Share Posted December 4, 2009 OMG! Bold text and capitals! I'm scared! Hold me tight! You seem to have trouble accepting the truths, so let me give you some more. This page has a nice graph showing the unemployment gap among the races, with whites close to the national 10% but Asians significantly lower. Also, whites will be a minority by 2050, and Asian population will double in percentage; interracial marriage rate will likely drop further for Asian-Americans, which means even less Asian poontang for white guys. Take a look at this article on the "NEW WHITE FLIGHT", which says white kids have to leave predominantly Asian neighborhoods to avoid academic competition with Asian kids. Excerpts: "The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive. That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many white families to boycott the town altogether." "Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea that they can't compete with Asian kids. " "At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other minority groups: the underachievers." "On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents, and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids as seriously as Asians." "'Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,' says Arar Han." "Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: 'White kids are thought of as the dumb kids,' she says." "Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook. When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the course in summer school." "'s not academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but ACADEMIC COMPETITION WITH ASIAN-AMERICANS." If you are close to soiling your underpants, consider not reading this thread any further. Link to post Share on other sites
Yuri Posted December 6, 2009 Share Posted December 6, 2009 I think that when you finally release your focus from Asian girls to meeting a great lady who is very good for you that the right person will come into your life. The world is not the dog pound, where you walk up and down the aisle looking for Collies or Beagles. Asian women are no different from any other women...and women can tell a guy like you a mile away. If one senses, AND I PROMISE YOU THEY DO, that you are closing in on them because they are Asian, you won't have a chance in hell with them. I totally agree. Link to post Share on other sites
Yuri Posted December 6, 2009 Share Posted December 6, 2009 Well, marrying within one's "culture" makes sense. It makes marriage a bit easier(but still not easy) to navigate if both share the same value and belief systems-makes it a lot easier to communicate, too..if you think and talk in the same language. Divorce is still a bit of a taboo in the Asian community-that is why many tend to find mates whom they share many things in common with. Having said this age of globalization and open-mindedness-many people have gone out of their cultures and have found "perfect" partners and many still embrace that possibility. So I would not worry too much about not finding someone because of the culture. Now, let's touch on the stereotypes: 1) Do you have a college degree? What univ did you go to? 2) Are you a doctor? scientist? lawyer? Banker? 3) Do you like Karaoke? 4) Would you allow the in-laws and other extended family members to stay in your house? 5) What car do you drive? 6) Has anyone in your family ever been in jail? 7) Do you see yourself giving your paycheck to the wife every month? 8) Do you know how to use the chopsticks? 9) Do you think making slurpy sound while eating noodle soup is nasty? 10) What is your favorite Asian food? So research the "correct" answers to the above...and if you get them right, you are already half way there Tami-chan, thanks for the laugh. Link to post Share on other sites
Jaytb Posted December 6, 2009 Share Posted December 6, 2009 You seem to have trouble accepting the truths, so let me give you some more. dude I don't mind what you're saying, I just think that resorting to bold text and capitals tends to undermine your message and come across as a troll. I didn't even bother reading what you said because I assumed you're trolling. If you are close to soiling your underpants, consider not reading this thread any further.CLOSE TO SOILING?! I already had to change pants five times reading this thread!! Link to post Share on other sites
TheLoneSock Posted December 6, 2009 Share Posted December 6, 2009 You seem to have trouble accepting the truths, so let me give you some more. This page has a nice graph showing the unemployment gap among the races, with whites close to the national 10% but Asians significantly lower. Also, whites will be a minority by 2050, and Asian population will double in percentage; interracial marriage rate will likely drop further for Asian-Americans, which means even less Asian poontang for white guys. Take a look at this article on the "NEW WHITE FLIGHT", which says white kids have to leave predominantly Asian neighborhoods to avoid academic competition with Asian kids. Excerpts: "The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive. That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many white families to boycott the town altogether." "Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea that they can't compete with Asian kids. " "At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other minority groups: the underachievers." "On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents, and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids as seriously as Asians." "'Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,' says Arar Han." "Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: 'White kids are thought of as the dumb kids,' she says." "Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook. When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the course in summer school." "'s not academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but ACADEMIC COMPETITION WITH ASIAN-AMERICANS." If you are close to soiling your underpants, consider not reading this thread any further. Lol no one is going to 'soil' their pants over something you had to say on an internet forum. Get real, metaphore or not. Besides, they can have their rocket science math. I'll keep my height and my blue eyes. Bahaha. Link to post Share on other sites
Jaytb Posted December 6, 2009 Share Posted December 6, 2009 Lol no one is going to 'soil' their pants over something you had to say on an internet forum. Get real, metaphore or not. Besides, they can have their rocket science math. I'll keep my height and my blue eyes. Bahaha. I said above! I soiled my pants 5 times already! Link to post Share on other sites
Pizzaman81 Posted December 6, 2009 Share Posted December 6, 2009 Lol no one is going to 'soil' their pants over something you had to say on an internet forum. Get real, metaphore or not. Besides, they can have their rocket science math. I'll keep my height and my blue eyes. Bahaha. Now now, let's not compete. Oh ya ladies, i'm 6' Chinese male, 28, owns 2 properties, has a high paying software engineering job. Smart, got great family values, comes from a wealthy business family. No competition please this is not a competition Link to post Share on other sites
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