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She likes me but doesn't want a relationship

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I am a freshman in college and I became interested in a girl who is my RA and a sophomore. She came over to my room for a while every day for a few weeks and we seemed to get along really well, and then one night we went to a dance club together and were attached all night. We were holding hands and the whole deal, but I didn't make a move because I wasn't sure how she would react. I think that I should have, but I guess I can't change that now. So anyways, we hung out the next day, but then the day after that, she was not really responding to all my texts and even though I saw her at a party, she left soon after without telling me where she was. Then the next day, she couldn't hang out because she was studying all day, and she hasn't talked to me since then. We still stay hi when we pass by, but no conversations. Then, she was texting my friend and he was asking her if we were alright, and she at first said yes, we were just taking things slowly, but then she changed and said that she didn't think I would be mature enough for what she is used to, which I guess means that the guys she usually dates take the lead in the relationship. I don't know how she would know that since we only hung out intimately once. And then she said that she just wouldn't be a good girlfriend because she wants to hang out with people and go have fun without be attached to someone right now. From what I have been advised, I should probably move on, but I like her a lot and I can tell she at least WAS interested in me, and maybe still is but isn't ready for a relationship. Is there any way I can try to convince her to give me a chance or at least not write me off totally as never being boyfriend material? or should I just let it go...what should I do?

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Keep on movin'. She's either playing games with you or playing the field with others. Or both. Regardless, this sort of flaky behavior is not a desirable trait in someone you want to be with. I'd say just cut her loose and play the field. There are plenty of women out there who aren't flakes.

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