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Developing a crush on my roommate

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I'm back. Anyway I don't really have a terrible problem like I normally do. I am quite happy in fact. There are 3 or 4 guys chasing me right now but the only one I want is my roommate. We have been friends since we were about 12 but were out of contact for the last couple of years. He emailed me out of the blue b/c he saw me somewhere a couple of months ago and we have spent alot of time together since then. I was in a crappy relationship and he was always there to talk to plus I listened to his problems. We decided to move in together about two weeks ago and everything is going well. He gives me major mixed signals b/c he comes to me to talk about a girl he has been hangin around with but doesn't think it will work and how to tell her in a nice way b/c he doesnt want to hurt her feelings. They haven't slept together or anything and he doesn't want to b/c he really isn't that interested in a relationship but more trying not to hurt her feelings b/c he feels he might have led her on. Meanwhile at home with me he will come and snuggle with me on the couch but we haven't hooked up or anything and he always ask me about work and he even brought me a rose last week when a friend of mine passed away and I was having a real crappy day. So how do I find out if he has real feelings for me or if it is just b/c I am around him more than anyone else. Also I went out of town and our phone wasn't hooked up yet b/c we had just moved and I called his parents house when I got into town thinking he may be over there, his mother said to call him on the cell phone b/c he was worried sick about me. ughh. I am so happy b/c he is so sweet to me, I just don't want to ruin it by asking about what he wants or being too forward.To me I feel like he likes me, to what extent I don't know and we have plenty of time to develop a relationship or figure it out but I just thought I would write to ask What do you think? Also to let you know that I am doing well, hope all of you guys are too.

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Just relax! It seems like you guys are developing a strong friendship which is major important if you ever decide to date. Just enjoy him right now if he is interested he will let you know. If you say something to him too soon you might chance ruining a good friendship as well as have to find a new roomate. Flirt with him some, and most of all just be yourself with him. You sound like a wonderful person and I am sure that he loves you dearly as a friend.. just give the other stuff sometime and in the mean time.. Have some FUN!

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