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Conversation starters/ goers

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Alright, im a freshman in 9th grade, and ive only had a few girlfriends before. I had a swim meet today and I met a really nice girl. we talked for a while, then before i left we hugged each other twice. She is probably the most impressive girl I have ever like, started a relationship with. The only problem is she lives about hour away. (We were at an away meet). She gave me her phone # and screenname. So did her friend.


So, even though we might not ever go out again, I have realised that i should finally figure out how to talk to girls. I managed to find enough stuff to talk about to keep her talking and interested. But now, i feel like i have nothing else to talk about and i dont want to call her and not say anything.


Can anyone list some good conversation starters and goers?


thanks a lot!

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Well, if she's on the swim team as well (and was not just there watching) you could ask about that, or any other sports she's into. Since you're both still in school, that would be ok to talk about. Ask about her family, whether or not she has brothers and sisters. Music. Movies. Gosh I feel silly giving you a list. I'm afraid you're trying to look for some WOW-topic. I think if you're interested in her, and she you, then conversation might come more freely than you think. I wouldn't refrain from calling her because you think you might not have much to say. If it gets to that point, though, politely excuse yourself from the phone and call her back at another time. You can always just call to say hey sometimes if you're busy or don't have much to talk about. I still like being on the phone with my boyfriend when we don't have things to say to each other right then. I'm more than a little weird though. :p

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The trick to starting a conversation is not to have things ready to say but things to ask. Ask about her family, school, hobbies, etc. Her answers will get a conversation started.

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