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why are guys turned on by blonds but marry brunettes?

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i was just wondering something... why is it that guy's (or girls) have this type (physical attributes) of person they are attracted to, but they usually end up with the opposite? my bf just told me that he has always prefered brunettes with large breasts.. i was a little hurt and surprised when he told me.. who would've known? i'm blond with small breasts. he claims he is turned on by me and that he loves me.. but it makes me feel a little insecure cuz after all, i'm not his "type". so, i wonder why he is with me.. i wonder why a lot of people end up with people who are not their ideal in looks... just wondering..

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Again, I think if you marry soley for the looks of your partner, you're going to be disappointed someday, if not right away. Like, look at that guy who married Jessica Simpson. She's incredibly attractive, but she thought buffaloes had wings. I'm not judging, I was just giving an example :p


Also, I think that some forms of attraction aren't based on looks alone, that other aspects of their personality can sexually excite someone.

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as a note for the future, do not double-post in separate categories. it infuriates the gods we dub moderators.


your husband sounds a little shallow. it is a callow statement, in any event: perhaps he seeks to make you insecure. the best revenge is to find it funny; who the hell cares what he prefers? celebrate yourself; know you are desirable; and screw him and his 1950's kitsch-playboy mentality. but gently.



most guys who make these kind of statements do so out of insecurity. the attempt to reduce others is usually done out of a profound lack of self-worth.

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