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Fiance cheated on me

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I just found this thread and read through it. By the time I got to the last page, I was sobbing. I am SO glad it had a happy ending.


This story is a good one for all us heartbroken people out there: no matter how bad it seems, there's a good future out there if we want it.

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My ex did similar things, then got mad at me when I wouldn't ask her to marry me.


Woman logic.


Oh and I can't believe so many people were saying he should make her take a lie detector test. Lie detectors are a joke, don't people know that by now?

Edited by Engadget
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I just finished reading all of the posts made in this thread and I just wanted to say that I am so happy that things are working out for you. :)


Don't ever again blame yourself for what happened between you and your ex - it was never your fault. It was her choice.


And yeah, she will and probably is regretting it a lot. ;) Best of luck! You sound like a really great guy. :)

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Dexter Morgan



I love this women more than anything in the world. She has always been my princess and she treats me so good.


if you call screwing around with another man treating you good...well then...:confused:




If i ever wanted anything she was there. Its VERY hard to see myself without her. I love her very much. I do believe she loves me but she did cheat on me.


she loves you, but cheats on you. i hear this alot, and I say its bulls##t. you think the whole time she was having sex with this other guy that she was thinking "I love my fiance so much!....but I just gotta get mine!"




If you want to stay with her for whatever reasons, then you do what you gotta do....but don't make excuses for her or fool yourself into thinking she can't do this again. the relationship is young, and she is already cheating. wait for that 7 year itch.



My sister left her husband for a week after she was unhappy after 5 years of marriage. She came back to him and he was fully supportive and took her back. They now have the best relationship.


did your sister cheat on her husband? if so, and he took her back, oh the relationship may seem fine on the surface and a great facade may be put on.


but make no mistake, your BIL, if your sister cheated that is, DOES think about the cheating and will have those memories haunt him from time to time and he WILL reel inside, but probably will decide to bury it and not let it show.


but this of course is dependent on whether your sister cheated on him or not.


If she didn't, then the part about them having the best relationship ever is an apples to oranges comparison to your situation.



Wow this is alot longer than I wanted it to be. It feels good just to type it all out. What I hope to hear out of this is people that have gone through this and have had a stronger relationship after such an incident.


I'm sorry, I'm not into telling people what they hope to hear.


You WILL hear stories from people that will say they forgave and everything is coming up roses....but for the person betrayed, the smell of the roses will still make you sick to your stomach once in a while.


Ask yourself, since you will NEVER forget what she did, can you handle forgiving her, and still thinking about her screwing some other guy when she had your engagement ring? If so, then so what you want to do.


But I'd advise against staying with anyone, especially someone that has that little regard to cheat on the man the committed to her and that thought enough of her to buy her a ring to seal his committment to her.


again, for people that have cheated and are more than capable of it, the 7 year itch is too powerful for them.

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Dexter Morgan


Hello everyone! This story has been long and drawn out but I wanted to update and thank everyone for all the support.


Its only been about 4 months since me and my ex seperated and Ive had the time of my life! being single has been the absolute most fun ive ever had!


didn't see this before my first post. GOOD FOR YOU!!! Staying with a cheater will always leave you with doubts and suspicions. And who needs that?



Unfortantly I may have settled to soon, ive been dating the same girl for a month now, but she has made me so extremely happy! I think i can honestly say ive never been this happy in my life.


well, yes, don't be too eager to commit. but don't write the girl off that you have been seeing.



On another note, I found out today that my cheating ex and my ex-bestfriend were having alot of problems and they broke up!


but of course. he was dating a cheater:o:cool:


just like my x-wife, her man, who was the OM in my situation, doesn't trust her because she cheated on me with him!...LOL. Talk about a moron.



haha.. I was so extremely pleased to hear that, my friends say she is miserable and has gained alot of weight! haha


good :)

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Dexter Morgan

Bottomline is, we are over, ive lost a number of close friends, and I HAVE to start a new life with new friends. A couple of my friends I have think im so spineless for being this way, but i cant help my feelings I guess.


if they are the type of people that would side with a lying cheater, then they aren't people you should want to be associated with anyway.

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