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Girlfriend has bit of a mustache...

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OK this is kinda embarrasing, but my girlfriend has a bit of a mustache. She beautiful and I love her to death, but how can I ask her to wax it without getting her mad at me?

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this is a sensitive issue. my first bf told me that guys at my highschool used to talk about my mustache :( - and while it made me start waxing it, it was a very unpleasant conversation.


i think the only way to bring it up is ... well - the best way is, if she has a cosmetician, to ask her to talk your gf into it. otherwise, just bring up waxing in general ... ask if she'd like you to have your back waxed... then just say "have you ever waxed your upper lip?" (DON"T use the word 'mustache'!!) Make sure it sounds like a suggestion, by no means a request.


good luck,


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I am of European descent and was also teased in school for having a "moustache" and started waxing as a result. I agree with Yes....you need to approach this one carefully, as it can be a sensitive issue, and be embarassing (I know, I've been there). Definately refer to it as the "upper lip". Maybe you could say you were speaking to a girl, or knew a girl, who used to wax her upper lip, and were wondering if you gf had ever thought about doing that? Maybe make a joke about how painful you imagine it would be or something. Be gentle and tread softly.

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