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Unconditional love

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Hey guys and girls.

I need some advice here today, please. I am a 36 j/o gay guy. I met a guy, just over a year ago. I had bit of a crush on him, but things never developed on a romantic side. As with all crushes it started to fade after a few months. We became friends and gym buddies as well. During about 6 months, our friendship developed into a very very good friendship, we started sharing everything, and have no secrets from another, we can discus anything, from our relationships with our boyfriends, sex lives and even our friendship with one another, and how both of us can not live without it. Although we only see each other at gym, we do see each other every weekday for at least an hour while training.


In May / June this year, I realized that I love this man. I was very confused, as I am in a relationship with a man that I love very much and care for a lot. So I started to search for answers. I did a lot of reading and after weeks of searching the net and some books on all the different kinds or types of love, I came to realize that I love him unconditionally in a romantic sense.


Although we discus everything and anything, my love for him was the only thing I did not talk about was my feelings for him. 3 weeks back I just could not take it any more. I felt so alone, as I got us used to discus everything with him, and now there was this huge issue that I had to try and work out by myself. So I took the leap and told him. He was totally amazed, and told me that he values me as a friend and that our friendship is more important to him than his relationship of 10 years with his current boyfriend, but that he has no romantic feelings for me. So it took me a couple of weeks to try and work thru these feelings, but instead of it getting better, it just gets worse. Like I have said I love this man unconditionally, and that is a very rare, and surely a first for me. This has not changed any thing. We are still as good friends and still share everything, but I dont know how to go on from here. This man means so much to me that I cant live without him.


Any advice from you guys??

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