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I have been with this girl for the past 3 months, and i have been very very nice to her, maybe have paid more attention than needed, so in this sense, I am very predictable I guess, but thats me, I feel like doing this and why not, but I am getting this feeling that she is starting to take me for granted, sometimes she says, I know she is joking but there is some sort of truth to jokes you will agree with me, what would you do without me, yada yada yada....


She got this idea i think, that I am around always.


One more thing, we have not been to bed yet, and we have talked about it before, and I maybe gave her a wrong idea, when she asked me, would you have sex with me if I wanted, and I said , yes why not.... but now she is playing hard to get, knowing that I can give her whatever she wants whenever she wants.....


so we just keep going out, she keeps talking about different place she has had sex with her X, and keeps teasing me all the time, yet says, "our relationship is not yet strong, for that kind of thing"


either she is really messed up, or she just playing with me,,,,so I need advice as to how should I act,,,,I want to make her come to senses and believe that I am not an object here, and I am not easy to get either as she thinks I am.....


I still believe in being nice to people and not getting stepped over by them....


Is it correct, that I should be a jerk and an a**h***, to get her or something. WHAT SHOULD I DO, to make her realize and think that if she does not stop being overly selfish I will just walk AWAY!!!!!!!



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She is REALLY MESSED UP and playing with your mind...but not nearly as messed up as you for putting up with it.


Any girl who keeps talking to a guy she's dating about different places she's had sex with her ex should be dumped at the nearest incinerator. That you put up with this at all dumbfounds me.


I really don't mean to insult you, honest I don't but you are the one that needs to come to your senses.


You ARE a very nice guy. And very nice guys get often get walked all over but rare get pulverized like this. Don't stop being nice but don't ever let anyone treat you like this, EVER!!!!


Drop this lady right now. You have a real basket case on your hands. It's bad enough when a sane person plays you for a fool but when a mental case does it, you have to take most of the responsibility.




You deserve so much better!!!!

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i agree with tony.


its hard to find a happy medium between being nice and being stepped on. you do deserve better.


but you have realize that as good as it does make you feel to do things for other people you have to do things for yourself. i'm not saying to only think about yourself.


try for a bit to lay off the pampering and she will she what she is missing and notice that she is not only taking your big heart for granted but that she is stepping on it at the same time.


if and when she does realize it, she will she that you are doing it out of the kindness of your heart, she should. and if she doesn't....then she is definitley someone that you can do without.

I have been with this girl for the past 3 months, and i have been very very nice to her, maybe have paid more attention than needed, so in this sense, I am very predictable I guess, but thats me, I feel like doing this and why not, but I am getting this feeling that she is starting to take me for granted, sometimes she says, I know she is joking but there is some sort of truth to jokes you will agree with me, what would you do without me, yada yada yada.... She got this idea i think, that I am around always. One more thing, we have not been to bed yet, and we have talked about it before, and I maybe gave her a wrong idea, when she asked me, would you have sex with me if I wanted, and I said , yes why not.... but now she is playing hard to get, knowing that I can give her whatever she wants whenever she wants..... so we just keep going out, she keeps talking about different place she has had sex with her X, and keeps teasing me all the time, yet says, "our relationship is not yet strong, for that kind of thing" either she is really messed up, or she just playing with me,,,,so I need advice as to how should I act,,,,I want to make her come to senses and believe that I am not an object here, and I am not easy to get either as she thinks I am.....


I still believe in being nice to people and not getting stepped over by them.... Is it correct, that I should be a jerk and an a**h***, to get her or something. WHAT SHOULD I DO, to make her realize and think that if she does not stop being overly selfish I will just walk AWAY!!!!!!! THANK FOR HELP!!!

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WALK AWAY...NO I TAKE THAT BACK.. RUN AWAY!! This girl is not ever going to respect you and she is playing some major mind games with you.. What decent girl or woman would talk about having sex with her ex to her new boyfriend? She is selfish and you don't need to be with anyone like that.. You sound like a really nice guy, find someone who will appreciate you and treat you with the respect you deserve.

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