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Re: He disappeared!

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Unless you find that he died or became so disabled he was unable to contact you, I would forget this dude for all time. He has shown you rudeness of the greatest proportion.


You simply don't need a MAN(???)in your life who could get so scared just from you meeting his parents that he dropped you like a hot potato.


Do you think maybe this was all part of an initiation into some sort of lodge or other organization he may have joined. I mean this guy is really weird and MUCH to weird for you!!!


There's an old saying: That which is built in a day is destroyed just as fast. That which is built over time endures.


I think whenever you do the whirlwind romance dance, you get picked up by the tornado and slung down in the middle of nowhere.


Click your heals three times, go back to Kansas, and take it slower next time.


P.S. Going 0-60 in 8.8 seconds is great at the racetrack but can be fatal to the heart.

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