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he hasn't kissed me?


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I met a guy a week ago. He called me a day after I met him. We get along very well and are in the process of getting to know each other. I feel a very strong connection with him. The night I met him which was a Friday he asked me that night if Thursday I would come see his band play? I said yes so he asked for my number and said he would call me. So he called me Sunday and we talked for an hour and then every day after that he called me and we have great coversations. So Thursday came and I went. He was great. I was thinking to myself no way I don't think I can like this guy. I just got out of a serious relationship 4 months ago. I was with my ex for 2 years and we broke up because he got scared of moving in with me. But as soon as I met this guy I feel like I have forgotten all of what my ex use to mean to me. Its so weird I have been through break ups before and you get yourself out there and date again you no one is ever as good as your ex at least for the first year. But I have been proven wrong because this guy makes me smile and glow like never before. Anyway he is real nice but wants to come off as a hard a*^. With his tatoos and he sings dark metal music but talking to him and getting to know this past week I see that is all different. So Thursday at his show I just like dame this could really go somewhere. He asked me if I would go to his work christmas party for that Saturday. I had no plans so I went. I met his dad and brother. It was a good time. We talked in the car and had such a great conversation and I was so comfortable with him and not nervous at all. He said when I showed up all dressed up I made him nervous. Which I take as a good thing.


Anyway the night when on... He asked me to come back to his place to watch a movie. Now he kissed me good night Thursday night but hadn't kissed me since. We watched the movie then we played his guitar for me then we ended up chating all night and when we looked at the clock it was 4:30. And he lives 40 miles from me so he said he wanted me to stay. I was on the couch getting comfy he said he would feel weird if I didn't sleep in his bed with him he promised not to attack me. So I agreed. We layed in bed talking and he was confusing me. I asked if he was attracted to me. He said yes he just wants to take things slow. Because he knows if he gets with me he will mess things up and he doesn't want to do that with me. I got a little scared and said well if you just want to be friends that is cool just let me know. He said are you getting all serious I said no I am sorry forget I said anything he said okay I said please forget I said anything he said he promised he would. So he texted me last night saying hi. I think I might have scared him.


Do I still have a chance to get to know this guy Better?


And is it normal for a guy to not kiss you and he still be interested?

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Do I still have a chance to get to know this guy Better?


I would say yes. It seems you both enjoy each other's company a lot.


And is it normal for a guy to not kiss you and he still be interested?


It's not the norm, especially since he invited you to share his bed. He's sending some mixed messages of wanting you and yet not wanting to get too close too quickly. (And by the way, the one week glow phase is just too soon to be deciding "he's the one".) I could think of several reasons why he would do that; some being promising for the relationship, others definitely the opposite! I recommend pulling back a bit - no more sharing his bed while you still are wondering why he wants you there. Stay friendly, keep talking and spending time together, and let the friendship grow as you get to know each other. Then you will find the answers to your own questions more easily.

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It's only been a week that's still fairly early, it sounds like he definitely likes you but is being just being careful. Be glad he isn't all over you, I think he takes you more serious than that. He respects you, it's a good thing. It's only been one week and he is still only getting to know you.


I think you definitely still have a chance w/ this guy but beware of bringing up the "where is this going" topic so early on, that could definitely scare anyone off, too much pressure too soon.


Also, if you told him that you just came out of a relationship this could be part of the reason for his being extra careful. You don't want him to think your on the rebound, take it slow.


Just let things happen and don't over analyze things, he text you that's a good thing.

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It's not the norm, especially since he invited you to share his bed.


He shared his bed out of hospitality, he didn't touch or disrespect her in any way. I don't think this has anything to do with sending mixed signals.



There is nothing wrong with being friends first in fact it's the best way to start.

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I think you're getting so into this guy, and that's cool, but your feelings and what you expect to happen are going on a little too early. This guy is definitely interested, but he doesn't want to rush into a relationship, like he said. And neither should you (I mean, you just got over a major break up). Cool down. And let HIM kiss YOU the next time.

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He has been iming me all day yesterday and today. He asked me to come out to his place on Thursday. But he says things and I am never sure if he is kinding or not. See his friend is talking to my friend also. So its kind of wierd and His friend really likes my friend already and she likes him and they aren't to scared so they express how they feel which is good. But every relationship is different. I just feel he likes me but he is trying not too. And I don't like that because that means there is a chance he will convience himself that he doesn't want me. And he will probably be looking for anything not to like about me right? I am taking it slow I am not calling him he is the one that ims me first. I just don't know. I hate to get involved in someone even if its just dating to just be rejected again.


Plus I am not sure what to think because the first week we talked he was so sweet and nice and sounded like he liked me and was so interested and now he is not. He is still showing interest but not like he was. Maybe like he said he is scared. But still should I think that the first week was a front because he wanted me to like him. Or that maybe right now he is nervous and is trying not to like me so much.


Well I am going over there Thursday so we will see. And he said last week that he was going to come to my place this week and he hasn't said anything about it. And I mentioned it yesterday and he said maybe he can Wednesday but that was it. I don't want to worry about it. I just want to protect myself.

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he asked me if I was talking to any other guys? I said it was none of his business but not as of now. he wouldn't answer me when I asked. I told him his friend told me he was and he freaked out called his friend and asked why he lied and then his friend called me and said why are you saying I said that. I said I was just joking with him.


But its cool. He still hasn't told me but I have a feeling he is not.


He has been acting different then before and I don't like that. Its like he wasn't honest about himself before he was nice and sweet and wasn't so sarcastic and now its like every other word I can't tell if he is being funny or mean. Its fustrating and I told him that and he said sorry hunny. Not sure what he meant by that. He said that he tries to be nice but its just not him. I said so you are mean to girls he said yeah because his mom locked him up in the closet when he was young. I couldn't stop laughing. Then he said or its either that all woman are liars. I told him he has an issue if he thinks all when are out to get him. He said thanks doctor. Well not all woman are mean and out to hurt you. I feel like gosh I like him and there was such a connection with him. But maybe he is to ruff for me. I am not use to the jokes all the time I get offended easily.


Should I not take the time to see what happens or should I just wait it out and see if we still can have something?

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IMO, you are making yourself too readily available. Guys want what they think they can't have, and since you are at his every beck and call, he is becoming uninterested.


You come running when he wants to do something with you. You should make yourself "unavailable". Next time he wants to do something with you, tell him you have plans whether or not you do. Actually, go make plans with someone else, make a date with someone else. Not saying that you can't see him also, but don't try to make this into something its not. Right now you guys are still getting to know each other, so do just that.

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So my friend and I went to see him because my friend is dating his friend also. On Monday he imed me and asked if I would come hang out Thursday night. So I agreed. I don't see him alot. So I didn't think it would be like I was running to him. This week I hadn't called him much.


Yesterday he was calling me and iming me and texting me all day talking about what we were going to do last night. It sounded like he was excited to see me.

So last night.....

I get there and he sits on the other side of the room from me. We put a movie in and watch it. half way through he finally asked me to come sit by him. But I didn't I am not sure why I just felt funny. So then the movie was over and we played games he came and say by me for a little while and then by the end of the night we had switched spots he was on the side of the room I started out and visa versa. I was a little pissed I came up to see him and he was not acting like he was glad to see me or flirting or sitting next to me. I was confused. So he offered to help me move this weekend because I am moving so I mentioned it and he was like yes I will still be there. So I was like what the heck....

Finally I was like I gota go its late. So my friend and I got up and the boys walked us out. My friends guy is all over her. And this guy is like not even touching me. It was cold so we were standing real close face to face and I was like you are weird he said tell me why? I said you are keeping your distance whats up? He said its real hard for him I didn't get it? I said can you explain? He said my last relationship really messed me up. I don't want her back I am just scared to get close again. I said okay then do you want me to leave you alone. Because really its him who keeps contacting me. He said no, I am really sorry. I need to not be like this its just hard. Please be patient with me? I was like okay. he said he had dated a little before me and he felt the same like I can't get close I will get hurt again. I said well they are gone. He said yeah you are right. I was like okay so you want that to happen to us. Because I was like thinking to myself does he just not want to deal with a relationship right now. But started to touch my hair and my jacket like all boyfriend like and he said he will work on it. He wants this not to get in the way.


I said maybe you should just go with the flow he said yeah you are right. So now I know this guy likes me but he is scared and I really felt a connetion with him. We had a really good time every time we hung out before and we get along. And I like him. But is it doomed with him give up because he is scared?

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