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women= need changes

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i have come to a new revelation.. all women need to start making changes.. enough complaining about your guy's porn and his fidelity. get up off your butt, and turn off your soap operas.. and while you are at it throw away the box of chocolates.. go out there and work out.. and get some boob jobs.. to not.. well, there is no excuse and you wonder why your men's eyes wander to the fit, clevage enhanced, less dramatic women.

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:( Darn, and I had worked so hard to finally come to the conclusion that my husband looking at porn didn't mean that I wasn't sexy. Guess I was right in the first place :(
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Pleaseeee.......LOL that is so funny!


How do I start....


First of all I feel that if a man got with a woman looking a certain way then he should appreciate her for who she is b/c that's who he got w/ in the 1st place...BUT...I do agree w/ Mr. Freeze if the case is that the woman looked a certain to begin w/ and then let her self go.....in that case sweetie don't complain, get off your butt!


Now! I also think that woman concentrate way too much on what the man thinks, I mean what about what we think. If he even thinks he is going to be getting on me over some imperfection I may have then you know his behind better be in tip-top shape!!!


He better start worrying about how I feel about him. If my man was gawkin at other woman and constantly watching porn to the point of neglecting me I wouldn't complain I'd send him off packing!


Ladies remember this is a two-way street! Don't let your man make you feel like you lack something or that you need to inhance anything and if he does then just let him know of a little thing or two that you would like for him to enhance! Two can play that game!

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I rather think Mr. F. is just out to stir up trouble. Either that, or he's living in a 1950s TV show sitcom where women don't work their butts off outside the home as well as in, don't eat any carbs, much less chocolate, and who would want a fellow with 1950s views.

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If our men could keep us sexually satisfied, then we wouldn't have a problem with them looking at porn. We don't have a problem with the porn itself, guys, we have a problem with not getting any!

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i think this is a wee tiny troll post and is not worthy of response. :)

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lol; i know; i keep being afraid i'll go into one of those "does not compute" cartoon sequences and then blow up

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hey, a wee tiny troll, huh? i have something you women couldn't handle.

lighten up a bit. just because i share my views on something does not mean that you have to disagree with them. :)

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my dear, i was being light. i didn't realize wee tiny trolls were serious matters. :)


and, if you do post something of this nature, you will get opposing points of view, of course. i assume that's the point. any debate emerging from this post is going to be a cute, silly, one, in which everyone uses generalizations and no knowledge is acquired.


but they are still fun! and adorable!


<pats troll head for luck> :laugh::bunny:

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Actually there is a good point to this post, if you are sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, then you should try to change the things that make you feel unattractive. It is unrealistic for anyone to expect unconditional love from anyone but their mother.


Males are visual and there is love in the act of trying to remain as attractive as you can for them.


Just like having a man who will listen to your problems feels good to women, looking at and having a pretty woman to be with feels good to a guy.

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