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This girl is sending me mixed signals?

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Well, here's the deal. About a year ago, I met this girl at work. At first glance, I thought she was pretty cute. She just had this unique look about her that no one else had. At the time, I was kinda just meeting girls as they went, trying to find that one for me. At the time, she had a boyfriend, so I really wasn't interested as much. But about a few months ago, she broke up with him and has been single ever since. I asked her to the movies a few times, festivals, anything that was happening in town. Faster than I knew it, I had fallen for her.


So one night, I got up the courage to tell her how I felt. She told me she felt the same way, but wasn't ready for a relationship because of what she's been through in the past. Fast forward a few months later, and I'm in the same boat, except now we hang out as if we're going out, we go out to dinner, movies, text/call like we're more than friends, not to mention how she's telling everyone she likes me but still doesn't want to commit...I really don't know what to do anymore...I really wanna give up, but at the same time I'll always have that "what if" in the back of my head.

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Give up for now. You hang with her too much for her to miss you.


She doesnt want to commit to YOU, she probably never will. If you cant sweep her off her feet naturally, then it wont happen now. Distance yourself from her, stop talkling to her, or you wont give anyone better a chance.

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