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Cant lose her?

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Well, I used to be friends with this girl and she is know giving me the cold shoulder. I was quite jealous with the guy she liked (part of the reason was I had a problem that lasted for 4 years and it was at it's peak 2 weeks ago, but know it is gone but know I am over it. I told one of my friends about it just to let it out, but i think she told her. We went to a hottub party and it was there when the started to kind of ignoring me. She is one of my best homies i've ever had and I dont want to lose her, she has done alot of nice things for me and I appreciate that. How do I handle this?

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Boundary Problem

I can't even figure out what the problem is.


Good communication is that path to good friendships. People aren't mind readers.


Just tell her how you feel and leave the ball in her court. Give her space.



If she is ignoring you, it means you hurt her and now she is pissed off. Or she is indifferent. Impossible to tell the difference based on what you told us.

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