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what words to use?

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I was one of the people that posted a while back on this board becaue I was too nice to my girfriend and smothered her a bit so she broke things off.


We are not back together right now, but we have started to comminicate a bit. It's been sort of light but I get the feeling that because I am taking time and i'm not pushing her, she is becoming more comfortable again talking.


I do not want to rush things, but it's been a few months now and I want to sort of ask her if she might want to get together for an evening.


I do not want to put any pressure on her at all, I dont' even want her to feel she has to answer me back, so i was thinking of writing her and saying things like "I just want to let you know the offer is there".


Things are starting to come back together, and this is the next logical step, I just am not sure of how I should word it. If anyone has any ideas it would help a lot.

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i'm not quite sure what words you should use, but in one way or another let her know that the feelings are still there. that you reallize why you guys broke up the first time and that you are willing to make it work the second time. if and when you do go out keep a low profile, what i mean is don't fall too hard, too fast. i don't know if that's helps, good luck

I was one of the people that posted a while back on this board becaue I was too nice to my girfriend and smothered her a bit so she broke things off. We are not back together right now, but we have started to comminicate a bit. It's been sort of light but I get the feeling that because I am taking time and i'm not pushing her, she is becoming more comfortable again talking. I do not want to rush things, but it's been a few months now and I want to sort of ask her if she might want to get together for an evening.


I do not want to put any pressure on her at all, I dont' even want her to feel she has to answer me back, so i was thinking of writing her and saying things like "I just want to let you know the offer is there". Things are starting to come back together, and this is the next logical step, I just am not sure of how I should word it. If anyone has any ideas it would help a lot.

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Just keep going very slowly. Don't be too nice. Be unpredictable. Don't always return her calls right away...but do so eventually. Don't send her gifts, don't leave a lot of messages. Just don't put yourself in her face.


But I want to tell you an absolute fact. While ladies really do love a challenge, when they find somebody they are wild about, there isn't enough time in the day for them to be around the guy and there's nothing the guy can do that is wrong.


So you are really starting from square one. You are going to have to do some work to get this girl to have feelings for you...and you won't do it by being with her all the time. You are going to have to have patience.


Remember, be a challenge. And don't spend the rest of your life on this. If she doesn't respond in a reasonable amount of time, there are so many other ladies who will.

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